Guest blog and book giveaway!

Posted in Romance on December 20th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

I’m guest blogging over at Amberkatze’s book blog–and giving away an autographed book.  If you get a chance, come on by!!!

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Coming in 2010…

Posted in Romance on December 18th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Hi, everyone! Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately–I was working on copy-edits for I’LL BE SLAYING YOU. But those are now winging their way to NY, so I can get back to my WIP and chat a bit on the blog.  🙂

I realized that I haven’t posted a book schedule for 2010.  Please keep in mind that this is a tentative schedule, subject to change a wee bit. But, this is currently what I’ve got planned (publication wise) for 2010:

ETERNAL HUNTER–available 01/2010 from Kensington Brava (okay, this one will actually be on store shelves come December 29, 2009, but it’s technically a 2010 release so I thought I’d throw it into the mix).  ETERNAL HUNTER is the first book in my Night Watch series–the series about paranormal bounty hunters.

I’LL BE SLAYING YOU–available 07/2010 from Kensington Brava. This is the second book in my paranormal Night Watch series. I love the heroine–Dee is strong and kick-ass, and the hero, well, Simon is one very dangerous guy.  Isn’t that the best kind of man?  An excerpt will be up very soon!!!

DEADLY FEAR–available 08/2010 from Grand Central Publishing.  DEADLY FEAR is the first book in my “Deadly” trilogy from Grand Central.  This book is straight romantic suspense–no paranormals!  The book focuses on an elite division in the FBI that tracks and apprehends serials (serial killers, arsonists, rapists, kidnappers).  Hopefully, I’ll be able to post the cover soon. Yes, I’ve had a sneak peek.  🙂

BELONG TO THE NIGHT–available 09/2010 from Kensington Brava. This will be the mass market re-release of BELONG TO THE NIGHT (paranormal romance anthology).

THE NAUGHTY LIST (holiday romance anthology), featuring my novella, “All I Want For Christmas”–available 10/2010 from Kensington Brava.  I was very excited to be included in this anthology. Again, non-paranormal, and, hey, even non-serial killer!  Just a fun holiday tale.  (Or, I hope readers think its a fun holiday tale, anyway.)

And last…well, the last book that will be released in 2010 (this one is tentative) is the third book in my Night Watch series.   The title isn’t 100% confirmed yet, so I’ll just call it UNTITLED PARANORMAL ROMANCE.  I know–not sexy.  Don’t worry, the title will be sexy.  This book is slated to be released in December of 2010.  The hero is a demon and the heroine is an Ignitor (fire-starter).  Think hot.

I am about to head out and try to finish the rest of my Christmas shopping.  (Is everyone else done?)  I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!  Thanks for checking out my 2010 schedule!

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Posted in Romance on December 16th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

I’m participating in JoJo’s 12 Days of Blogmas fun.  Head over to JoJo’s place to check out my interview and you could win books! Lot of authors are participating, so be sure to check out JoJo’s Book Corner.

Now back to my copy-edits…

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The Giving Post

Posted in Romance on December 10th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Yes, it’s that time of year again (already?)…time for me to talk about my favorite ways to *give* during the holidays.  This is just a simple list I’ve compiled, and I would love for you to add your favorite charity organizations or giving methods to comments.

First…let’s talk free giving.  Money is tight this year, so if you want to help others but don’t have the money to share–how about doing a bit of clicking?

You can give food to the hungry by visiting The Hunger Site.  (According to the site, one click is equal “to 1.1 cups of food.”)

You can give food and shelter to animals by visiting The Animal Rescue Site.

Other ways to give…

The Salvation Army Angel Tree program is one that I donate to each year.  I particularly enjoy this program now that I have a son–Jack helps me pick out the presents for the child that we adopt and it really helps him to understand the concept of giving to others who are in need.

You can also donate a toy (any price) to the Toys for Tots program.  There are usually Toys for Tots collection boxes at all the big stores (Wal-mart, Target, Toys R Us) this time of year.

But Christmas isn’t just about the kids.  I love my local Walgreen’s b/c they always have a small tree up at this time of the year, and on that tree, you can find the needs of elderly people that you can “adopt” for the holidays. Their requests are so simple–socks, cookies.  Just something to brighten the holidays.

Other ways to give…

Clean out your closet. Take those old clothes and give them to a charitable organization in your area.  Need to make room for all the new toys your kids are getting? Donate some of the old toys to Goodwill.

Do you have any giving ideas you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them!!!

Happy Holidays!

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Posted in Romance on December 7th, 2009 by Cynthia Eden

Thanks so much for sharing your holiday traditions with me. I had a great time reading all the responses.  🙂

I selected three winners at random, and those winners are…

Belinda B.


Brenda M.

Congrats to the winners!!  Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!

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