RITA Finalist!

Posted in Latest News on March 25th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

I am so excited to announce that DEADLY FEAR is a RITA finalist for best romantic suspense!  Thank you so much to the judges! And congratulations to all of the other nominees! I am thrilled to be included as a finalist with so many fabulous authors.

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Paranormal Characters

Posted in Romance on March 22nd, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

This Saturday, I’ll be presenting my workshop, “Keeping the ‘Normal’ in Your Paranormal Characters” at the Southern Magic RWA Chapter meeting in Birmingham, Alabama.  In this workshop, I outline ways that writers can help readers connect with paranormal characters. Generally, paranormal characters are larger than life. They’ve got super strength, they’re psychic, they’re immortal, they drink blood…(I think you get where I’m going with this!)

But in order for readers to strongly identify with these characters, they still need normal traits.  They need personality quirks, they need flaws, weaknesses. They need to be human–even when they’re not.  There should be something about this character that a reader can connect to in some way.

One of my favorite examples of this “normal” behavior is from a True Blood scene (of course, I am a huge fan!).  Eric has been torturing folks in the basement of his bar, and he comes down to question Lafayette.  And, Eric–big, strong, super tough vampire–is getting his hair colored so he has what looks like aluminum foil on his head during this intense scene. When questioning goes awry (as it does), blood gets everywhere, including on Eric’s new-do.  He’s forced to adjust his new style and we even get to see him out shopping–a totally normal activity for such an intense paranormal character.

Do you have a favorite paranormal character that exhibits normal behavior?  Share! I’ll try to include your examples in my workshop.

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90 Day Writing Challenge

Posted in Romance on March 20th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

My friend and very talented author Kelly L Stone has been hosting a 90 Day Writing Challenge.  To celebrate the success of her event and all of its participants, Kelly has invited some guest bloggers over to chat about the writing life. Today is my day to chat. 🙂  I’m over at her blog, talking about the importance of rewarding yourself–and I’m giving away a Cynthia Eden book (this means any of my books, including an ARC of this summer’s NEVER CRY WOLF).  If you get a chance, come on by!

Hope you are having a great weekend!

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!

Posted in Romance on March 17th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

I hope you all have a fabulous St. Patrick’s Day! Wear your green. Find a rainbow. Try not to get pinched! 🙂

I found this St. Patrick’s Day toast online and thought I’d share–you know, in case you happen to be toasting today:

Here’s to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one
A pretty girl and an honest one
A cold beer – and another one!


Though, when I do my toasting later, I’ll change it to:

Here’s to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one
A handsome man and an honest one
A cold beer – and another one!


After all–I’m always up for toasting to a handsome man. 🙂

If you’ve got a favorite toast or Irish blessing to share, please do!

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Women’s History Month

Posted in Romance on March 8th, 2011 by Cynthia Eden

In honor of Women’s History Month, I’ve written a post for The Book Case, the Bookpage blog, about the female writers who influenced me.  If you get a chance, come by! And tell me–who influenced you?

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