Vancleave Public Library

Posted in Romance on June 11th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Hi, everyone! I hope that you had a fantastic weekend!

This week, I’m going to be paying a visit to the Vancleave Public Library in Mississippi (and a big thanks to the fabulous ladies there–Lisa, Lane and Yvonne–who have organized the event! On Thursday, I will be speaking at the Vancleave Library from 5 PM to 7 PM.  For this fun event, I will also be joined by authors Katie Reus and Manda Collins.  If you are in the Vancleave area and you’d like to learn more about writing and the publishing industry, then come by for this chat! We will be discussing ways to break into the publishing industry and sharing tips on how to strengthen your writing. After the publishing talk, we will be signing books, and we will also have some fabulous giveaways.

What:  Publishing Talk

When: Thursday, June 14th from 5 PM to 7 PM

Where: Vancleave Library–12604 Highway 57, Vancleave, MS 39565


Hope to see you there!

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Summer Blog Hop

Posted in Romance on June 5th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

UPDATE:  My blog hop winner is…Kristina Yeager. Congrats, Kristina! And thanks to everyone who participated in the blog hop!

What’s summer without a little blog hopping fun?


Hosted by, and

Happy Summer!!! The long, lazy days of summer (okay, sometimes, they are not-so-lazy) are here!  And what better way to kick off the summer than with a big party? CataRomance (including Single Titles & Sensual Reads) is doing a site relaunch, and to celebrate that relaunch, they’ve organized a huge blog hop.

I’m happy to be participating in the blog hop, and, for my prize, I am going to give an autographed copy of ANGEL BETRAYED to one commenter. The ANGEL BETRAYED giveaway is open to international entrants.  Because the blog hop event will actually last until June 10th, this giveaway will remain open until that time.


Sammael–call him Sam–was an angel once. An Angel of Death. But the dispassionate, watch-from-above thing just wasn’t working for him when it meant watching evil torture innocent souls day in and day out. It might have cost him his wings, but these days he gets to apply the direct method on the bad guys. Problem is, what’s making his life difficult is a bad girl…

Seline O’Shaw needs protection, and with the hounds of hell on her tail, she’s not going to quibble too hard about where she gets it. Sam’s virtue is questionable, but he’s smoking hot, massively powerful, and owes her a favor. So what if she’s getting a little case of angel lust? There are some damn deadly sins after her hide…


So let’s get going with the giveaway, shall we?

As you can probably figure out from the blurb, the hero of ANGEL BETRAYED is a bad boy, um, fallen angel. He’s dark.  He’s dangerous. He’s the guy that you want on your side in a fight.   He’s no knight in shining armor. He’s the angel with lost wings. 😉

To enter this giveaway, just tell me…do you enjoy reading about bad boy heroes?  What is it that draws you to them?

For me, I’ve got a top five list of reasons for liking those bad boys:

1. Bad boys tend to have sex appeal to spare.

2. Real life can be boring and mundane. In my books, I want danger. I want excitement. I want those bad boys.

3. Because Spike made me enjoy the bad boys. Oh, Spike, you were such a tease. Why, why did Buffy have to end?

4. I’m not perfect. I don’t think my hero should be, either.I don’t want him to be.

5.  Bad boys have attitude, they have swagger…and they usually have six pack abs.


Now it’s your turn! Tell me the reason you like bad boys (or, if you don’t like them, tell me why you enjoy the white knights), and you’ll be entered in the giveaway. And don’t forget to visit the blogs of the other participating authors:

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Katie Reus has DANGER NEXT DOOR (and a giveaway!)

Posted in Romance on June 4th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Update:  The two winners selected are Vicki S. and SupaGurl. Congrats! Will you both please contact me via so I can get the book to you? :)

Hi, everyone! I hope that you had a terrific weekend! Today, I’ve got guest author Katie Reus here with a fun post and giveaway. Katie’s got a new romantic suspense story that I can’t wait to read (it will be my reward as soon as I turn in the two books that are due by mid-June!). Katie, I’m glad you came to visit!

Thanks so much to Cynthia for letting me blog here today! I just got to see this fabulous woman on Saturday and she was talking about wanting to see hear some sexy firemen speak at one of our local RWA chapter meetings sometime in the future. Which got me thinking about why the heck have I never written a fireman as a hero?? Okay, that’s not the point of this post, but now I can’t stop thinking about hot guys in fire hats and nothing else… anywho, moving on 😉

Somehow it’s already June and I’m still having a hard time believing half the year has flown by. My son is about to turn one (holy crap!) and is already walking and getting into pretty much everything. I call him my little hurricane (my very adorable hurricane). Right before he was born I started the story No One to Trust. That’s the first story in my Red Stone Security series and now Danger Next Door, the second story, is out and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

I’ve always been a fan of fairytales and the concept for this story has been simmering in the back of my brain for quite a while. Only recently did I have the time to actually work on it and I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally be releasing Danger Next Door. It’s a contemporary beauty and the beast themed romantic suspense with a scarred hero and a very outspoken heroine. Of all the fairytales I read while growing up, Beauty and the Beast was my favorite. I think it’s probably because everyone has scars whether they’re visible or not, so it was a lot of fun to use the theme in a story and put my own twist on it.

I’d love to give away copies of Danger Next Door to two random commenters. Just tell me what your favorite fairytale is. Or if you don’t have one, tell me if you have a favorite theme or trope in romance stories. I’ll leave this open until Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at noon Central.

Also, with the release of Danger Next Door I’ve marked down No One to Trust to 99 cents via Smashwords. Just enter the coupon code CR37V. It will be live until June 8. Feel free to share it with others!


Danger Next Door excerpt:

Grant opened his eyes at the sound of his cell phone buzzing across the nightstand. The insistent hum was going to drive him insane. Grabbing it, he looked at the caller ID then shoved the phone under his pillow.

It was Porter. Again.

He loved his oldest brother—okay, his whole family, but he wished they’d leave him the hell alone. If he decided to take the job at Red Stone Security and work with both his brothers and father he’d do it when he was damn well good and ready.

And not a minute sooner.

He rolled onto his side, ignoring the stiffness in his shoulders. Right now he was just trying to keep it together. After leaving the Miami Police Department he felt lost for the first time in his life. Not something he was used to. Right out of high school he’d joined the Marines just like his big brother had done. Four years later after an honorable discharge he’d joined the Miami PD. His first two years as a rookie he’d gone to night school while working as a patrolman. When he’d made SWAT he’d spent the next two years finishing up with his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. And for the last two he’d been working as a detective and he loved it.

Well, had loved it.

Now he was on temporary disability and trying to figure out what he was doing with his life. Half a year ago things had been so clear. He’d had his entire life mapped out. Now, not so much.

Forcing himself to get out of bed and to stop the fucking pity party he was about to have, he took a quick shower and didn’t bother looking in the mirror before or after. Seeing his scars only reminded him of what a deformed monster he was. No thanks. He thought about it enough and didn’t need the visual aids.

Making his way to the kitchen he avoided glancing at picture frames dotting his hallway walls or anywhere else. They were all filled with pictures of his happy smiling family. His brother Porter and fiancé Lizzy. Or his brother Harrison and gorgeous wife Mara. Or his brothers, father and Grant, before the accident.

When he’d been a normal guy. Not Hollywood handsome, but good looking enough to get laid on a regular basis. Now…fuck, he hated the bitterness welling up inside him.

He was alive and had a great family. He’d get over it. Just not today. As he started making a pot of coffee he glanced out his kitchen window and into his neighbor’s window and froze.

He had the perfect view of his new neighbor. She was beautiful. Scratch that. The word didn’t even come close to describing her. There’d been moving guys in and out of the two-story house all day yesterday but he’d had no clue who was actually moving in. Holy shit, if that was her he’d probably scare the hell out of her the first time she saw him. Gorgeous women like her did not associate with someone like him. It would only make her self-conscious or worse—pity him.

But she wasn’t even aware of his presence so he could drink in his fill right now. Even if he did feel a little like a peeping Tom.

She didn’t seem very tall, though it was hard to measure. Her dark wavy hair cascaded down over her shoulders, reaching just below her breasts. Very full breasts. Definitely enough to fill his palms. And the tight tank top she was wearing left very little to the imagination. It was obvious she’d just woken up as she rubbed a hand over her face and reached for the coffee pot.

Look away, he ordered himself.

But he was rooted to the spot. There was a lot of natural light shining into her kitchen from the windows at the back of her house. He couldn’t see the other windows from his angle, but he’d been inside the house before his former elderly neighbors moved out, and it was bathing her like she was some sort of goddess.

Yawning, she stretched her arms over her head and showed off a nice expanse of toned, tanned belly and—yep, he was walking away now.

Before he really did turn into some sort of pervert.


Available now from Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and All Romance eBooks.


Thanks for stopping by!


A little about me: I’ve been reading romance since a young age—ever since I discovered my mom’s hidden stash. Luckily the addiction stayed with me into adulthood. I write paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense for Carina Press, Harlequin Nocturne, and NAL/Signet Eclipse. To learn more about me please visit my website, my blog, facebook or find me on twitter @katiereus.

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Posted in Romance on May 23rd, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Kensington is giving away 10 copies of ANGEL BETRAYED over at GoodReads! The giveaway will end on June 2nd, so if you haven’t entered, enter now! 😉


"Eden offers compelling characters, sizzling sex, and breakneck action..." --Publishers Weekly

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Guest Author Joan Swan

Posted in Romance on May 18th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden

Winners!! Update: The winners of 3 Kindle copies of FEVER are…Minna, Marianne, and Shannon. Congrats, ladies!! 

So…I told you that guest authors would be coming soon–and today I’ve got the lovely and talented Joan Swan as my guest! Joan is one of my Brava sisters. She writes pulse-pounding romantic suspense (with some very cool paranormal touches).  I hope you enjoy her post–and, Joan, thanks for visiting!

One of my favorite turning points in a story is when my hero and heroine encounter the point of no return.  That place where one or both make the decision to do something that changes everything in their existing relationship.  From that point on, there is no going back to the way things were.

In FEVER, my debut novel, Alyssa makes that choice in a pet store.  I know.  It happens in the damnedest places!

I’m sharing that excerpt with you here in celebration of Amazon’s inclusion of my debut novel, FEVER, in their Top 100 program.

That means FEVER is sale priced at $3.99 for the month of May!  Now you can try a new-to-you author (me) at very low risk!  If you’re interested to know what others think of FEVER, there are many in-depth reviews on Amazon.

For everyone (FEVER fans included), I’m happy to offer the chance to win 1 of 3 Amazon Gift Cards ($25, $15 and $10) for your help in spreading the word about this great promotion!

Everyone can enter!  All you have to do is follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter below.

Good luck!

Teague led Alyssa past the cash register where a young man sat talking on the phone, a newspaper spread out on the counter in front of him.  He glanced up as they passed and returned his gaze to the paper, hardly more than an uninterested blink.  Just as Alyssa looked away, the man’s eyes jumped up again.  She continued to watch him from the corner of her eye as the conversation on his end of the phone ceased, and he slowly pushed to his feet.

They turned down an aisle and Alyssa lost sight of him, but by the way his eyes grew wide as they’d disappeared, she was sure he’d recognized them.  Instead of excitement, the sighting brought apprehension.

Creek turned and looked down at her, his steps slowing.  “What?”

“Wh-what do you mean, what?”

“You squeezed my hand.”

“I didn’t…  I mean, I didn’t mean to…”  She was torn between pulling him from the store and stalling to keep them there as long as possible.  This was exactly what she’d been silently begging for at Wal-mart and here it had been handed to her without even trying.  “Never mind.  Nothing.”

She turned her attention to the shelves where he’d stopped and stared at the contents in disbelief.  “You brought me in here to buy fish food?”

“Little trivia for you, doc.”  He crouched and picked up a bottle.  “Fish ailments are treated with human medications.  Antibiotics.”

Her mouth dropped open and her mind temporarily veered from her turmoil.  “You expect me to take off-the-shelf medication for fish?  Okay, this nails it, Cr—“  She stopped herself and forced his first name out of her mouth.  “Teague.  You are officially certifiable.”

A grin tilted his mouth as he looked up at her and something strange and uncomfortable twisted in her chest.  His teeth were straight and white, his eyes a sparkling blue beneath the hat’s dark brim.  A glimpse of someone else shone out at her.  Maybe the man he was beneath the fear and desperation.  Maybe the man he’d been before he’d gone to prison.  She didn’t know, but whoever it was touched her in a way she hadn’t been touched in a long, long time.  Maybe ever.

“Here’s the thing,” he said.  “The emergency room would have asked too many questions and then called the cops to report a knife wound.  Internet sources would take too long, and I’m not in the mood to knock off a vet’s office.  So.”  He pointed at two more bottles on the shelf.  “You have your choice of Amoxicillin, Erythromycin or a sulfa-combo.  What’ll it be?”

Curiosity won out and Alyssa took one of the bottles from him.  Sure enough, as far as she could tell, it was the same stuff she’d given out prescriptions for in the past.  “How is this legal?”

“Let’s not worry about that right now.  Just tell me which one you can take and we’ll get back on the road.”

That comment had her looking up and toward the front of the store.  The two young clerks loitered there talking, their heads together, body language hunched and tight.

“Well?”  Teague prodded.

He’d truly made this stop to help her.  He’d risked being seen just to find antibiotics for her infection.  So many thoughts zoomed through her head at the same time she couldn’t prioritize or sift.  She looked back at him. “Do you have that gun on you or is it in the car?”

His face tensed, eyes sharpened.  He glanced the direction she’d been looking and watched the clerks.   “I have it on me.  Why?”

Let me make one thing very clear:  I am not going back to prison.  Ever.  I’ll die first.

“I think we should go.” Alyssa pulled him toward the opposite end of the aisle.

He resisted.  “Why the rush?”

“Come on.”

He pulled on her hand until she was forced to turn back around and face him. “Talk to me first.”

She lowered her voice to a whisper.  “I think they recognized us.”

Teague’s mouth went stone hard.  His bright eyes scoured the store and he urged Alyssa toward the rear corner of the building.

“Where are you going?  The front doors are that way.”

“Which is exactly where the cops will come in if they’ve been called.”

They reached a single rear door with a banner reading, No exit.  Fire alarm will sound.  Teague tinkered with a lever on the big red bell over the door then pressed the metal bar.  Alyssa cringed, expecting an ear piercing alarm, but it never came.  Teague poked his head out the door, took a quick look around then pulled her out behind him.

**Skipping over another unrelated occurrence in the scene…**

He remained silent as he drove, his hands busy in a familiar wringing of the steering wheel, his brow heavy in thought.

As Alyssa’s mind turned back to the fiasco they’d just fled, nausea rolled in her belly.  She’d just walked away from her chance to escape, and she wasn’t sure if the queasiness stemmed from missing the opportunity or from nearly getting the opportunity.

At the first exit, Teague veered off the freeway and drove half a block to a gas station-slash-mini mart.  Her muscles tensed, jutting another round of pain through her torso.

“Can we stop somewhere else?” Alyssa asked.  “Anywhere else?  I think I’m suffering PTSD.”

He parked around the corner from the front door, jammed the car in park and got out without a word.  The slam of the door made Alyssa flinch.  Instead of coming to her side of the car, he walked directly into the store without looking back.

A fresh sense of uncertainty tightened her chest.  He’d left her in the car unattended and uncuffed.  She looked out the window at a vacant office building with a ‘for rent’ sign out front, then to a darkened church next door, the parking lot empty.  There was no immediate shelter within running distance, but she should still run.  She should.  So what kept her sitting there?

He wasn’t gone long enough for Alyssa’s heart to slow to a regular rhythm let alone give her time to form an answer to the question.  He approached her side of the car carrying a bottle of water and a newspaper.  Popping the door open, he pulled the antibiotics from his pocket and twisted the top off then held both out to her.   When she took them, he closed the door without saying a word and walked around to the driver’s side.

He slid into his seat and sat there staring straight ahead without turning the car on.  His fingers fiddled with the edge of the newspaper in his lap.

Alyssa downed a healthy dose of the fish meds, hoping they didn’t kill her, then looked at him again.  “You’re kind of freaking me out.”

“What the hell is PTSD?”

“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

He rolled his eyes then turned to look at her with a quick snap of his head.  “Why’d you do that?  At the pet store?”

“I just…  I don’t know.  You made it clear you’d die before you went back to prison.  I…  I…”  Didn’t want to watch you die.  “I didn’t want to see anyone get hurt.”


You can read the entire first chapter of FEVER on my website


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a Rafflecopter giveaway (please click link)


Note from Cynthia:  And I’d like to add to the giveaway fun. I’ll giveaway 3 Kindle copies of FEVER to random winners. Want to win? Then ask Joan a question or leave a comment. Thanks! Enjoy your weekend! 

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