Posted in Romance on November 27th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden
The winner of MIAMI, MISTLETOE, AND MURDER is…Kai W, and the winner of the Mating Instinct ARC is Savannah Miller. Congratulations, ladies!
Ready for more holiday fun? Cause best-selling author KATIE REUS (and all-around awesome person) is here with a delicious holiday treat for you…and she has giveaways, too. Welcome, Katie!
Happy release day to Cynthia! I’m so excited about her release of Angel in Chains! Since she’s invited me here for her release day party I’m going to share some holiday awesomeness with you guys. Every year my mom bakes a bunch of to-die-for pies and cakes, but my favorite is her bourbon chocolate pecan pie. Pecan pie by itself is amazing and practically a must for the holidays if you live in the South, but add in chocolate and bourbon…omg, my mouth is watering right now. So how do you make this goodness, you ask?
Posted in Romance on November 27th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden
Update: The winner of the e-reader is Julie Kornhausl!
Do you have a favorite way to kick-off the holiday season? Is there a special tradition that really gets you in the mood for holiday magic?
At my house, it’s all about the ornaments for me. When the ornaments come out of the boxes, when I get to oooh and ahhhhh over them, well, that’s when the magic starts.
My ornaments aren’t a perfectly matched set. They aren’t fancy glass balls that shimmer and shine in the light –instead, my ornaments are a totally mis-matched set. A Santa made with popsicle sticks, a snowman painted by the hand of a two-year-old boy. Each ornament has meaning for me, and it’s the memories that matter most.
Every year, I get my son to spend time making a new ornament with me. A new ornament=a new memory. I don’t need to have expensive ornaments lining my tree (my son would have smashed those long ago!), but I do need the memories to hang from those branches.
What about you? Please share your special tradition for starting the holidays with me! One commenter will be randomly selected to win a Kindle Paperwhite e-reader (and if the winner already has an e-reader, I can send a gift card for the e-reader’s price, instead–a value of $119).
And here are a few of my ornaments…hanging proudly from my tree… 😉
See? I told you I had a popsicle Santa.
Snowman fun! Painted by my son, back when he was 2.
She's not exactly a dark angel, but I bet she'd still like Az...
Posted in Romance on November 27th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden
Upate: The gift card winners are:
$50 gift card – Grace S
$25 gift card – Karen Robinson
$15 gift card – Latisha D
It’s the release day for ANGEL IN CHAINS, and, to celebrate, I’m hosting a party!
Beginning at 8 AM, a new post (and giveaway) will be added to the blog. Some truly fabulous authors will be dropping by to participate in the fun–and it will be fun, holiday fun. Because every post will be about the holidays (favorite traditions, recipes, etc.). You can get in the spirit with the dark angel party. 😉 Each post will have at least one giveaway associated with it. All giveaways will remain open until noon, Central Time, on 11/28/12, so that people in all time zones will have a chance to participate. In addition to the giveaways that are attached with the hourly posts, I’m also going to be giving away the following prizes:
$50 or B& gift card (winner’s choice)
$25 or B& gift card (winner’s choice)
$15 or B& gift card (winner’s choice)
Each time you comment–on any post–you will also be entered in the giveaways for the above-listed 3 prizes.
Thank you for coming to my party! I hope you have a great time decking the halls!
Posted in Romance on November 26th, 2012 by Cynthia Eden
Today from 12 PM-1 PM Eastern time, Donna Grant and I will be having a party on Twitter (thanks to LitConnect for all of the fabulous assistance). There will be lots of behind-the-scenes book info, gift cards, and free books! Hope you can join the fun!
And, tomorrow, I’ll be hosting my DECK THE HALLS…WITH DARK ANGELS (holiday and book release) party here on the blog. Each hour, there will be a new guest–and a new giveaway. It’s a party week. 😉
Posted in Romance on November 23rd, 2012 by Cynthia Eden
I hope that you enjoyed a fabulous Thanksgiving celebration! And, if you’re out doing Black Friday shopping–then may you find lots of wonderful deals! (I’ll be heading out very soon…)
It is just a few days until the release of my next FALLEN book, ANGEL IN CHAINS…
And, to celebrate the release, I’ve got lots of party plans. First up, Donna Grant and I will be hosting a huge Twitter party (#WarriorsAndAngels) on 11/26/12. We’ll be giving away tons of prizes (gift cards, books), so be sure to check out the info:
On 11/27/12 (the official release day for ANGEL IN CHAINS), I’ll be hosting an all-day party right here on my blog. Tons of guest authors and lots of prizes!! Be sure to come back for the fun.