Time for a guest post! Today, we have author Paige Tyler joining us at the blog. Paige is here to talk about her new book, one with a hero who just seems DEAD SEXY. She’s going to tell us how she got the inspiration for this story and she’s going to share an excerpt.
Thanks for coming to the blog, Paige!

I’m so excited to finally announce that my paranormal romance, EPIC Award Finalist, 5-Star Reviewed and Winner of the Gold Star Award at JERR, DEAD SEXY is available!
And with the hunky Jimmy Thomas as the hero, zombies never looked so good!
Readers often ask me how I come up with ideas for my books, so I thought I’d give you a little behind-the-scenes peek at my paranormal romance DEAD SEXY.
My hubby and I love zombie movies. But if you’ve ever seen a zombie movie (or even you haven’t), you know the creatures aren’t the heroes of the film (except in Warm Bodies, of course). I mean, how can they be, right? They’re downright unattractive, not to mention scary. Which is why you can imagine my surprise when my hubby suggested I write a romance about a zombie hero. I was like, you’re kidding, right? What woman in her right mind would fall in love with a dead guy? No way could that work.
“The hero doesn’t have to be a zombie all the time,” he told me. “Think outside the box here.”
Okay. I can be open minded.
In hubby’s out-of-the-box world, the hunky hero got cursed by an evil Voodoo priestess and only turns into a zombie sometimes. “And when he does go zombie, he doesn’t have to be like the kind in the movies,” my hubby added. “Well, he has to look like one, you know all dead and stuff, but he doesn’t have to be a mindless creature or attack humans or eat anything gross.”
So, brains are completely out, thanks goodness!
“Think Jensen Ackles or Jared Padalecki.”
(Yes, my hubby knows I’ve got a thing for the Supernatural hunks!)
So, I ran with the idea and ended up with a full-length novel I think is one of the best I’ve written yet. It finaled in the EPIC Awards and got glowing reviews, including the Gold Star Award from JERR. I was thrilled and hubby walked around for a week with an “I-told-you-so” look on his face.
I hope you can’t wait to read about the tortured hero and the very special woman who sees beyond his zombie exterior to the man he is inside, as much as I can’t wait for you to read it. Oh, and don’t worry, no people were eaten in the making of this book!
Can her love save him from a curse worse than death?
Romance author Simone Kent thinks she might just have found the most perfect guy in all of New York City – in bed and out.
But Drake Parrish is about as far from perfect as any man can get. Eight years ago, he was cursed by an evil Voodoo priestess to live part of his life as a zombie. Since then, he has lived like a recluse on New York’s Upper East Side, afraid to go out for fear he’ll suddenly turn into one of the walking dead.
The sex is the hottest either of them has ever experienced and Simone discovers just how naughty she can be with Drake, while he finds himself feeling things for Simone he hasn’t felt in a very long time. When the Voodoo priestess learns of their relationship, however, she comes after him again. She’s determined he won’t have a future with Simone, even if that means killing both him and the woman he loves.
As she led him up the steps to the second floor, Drake found himself wondering if she would ask him in. And wondering what he’d say if she did. When they came to a stop outside the door to her apartment, Simone turned to give him a smile.
“I had a great time tonight.”
“Me, too.”
She caught her bottom lip between her perfect white teeth and chewed on it thoughtfully as if unsure what she wanted to say next. It was probably an unconscious gesture, something she did whenever she was thinking, but to him, it was sexy as hell and all he could think about was kissing her.
Surely, one kiss couldn’t hurt. He desperately wanted to. He hadn’t kissed a woman in so long. It would be nice to see if he still remembered how.
Before he could stop himself, Drake tilted Simone’s face up to his and pressed his mouth to hers.
She tasted just as sweet and delicious as he thought she would. Her lips were soft and pliant under his as she kissed him back, her tongue eagerly seeking his out.
Drake groaned and slid his hand into her hair, deepening the kiss. Simone sighed into his mouth, running her hands up the front of his shirt to grasp his shoulders. The feel of her touch was like a tonic to his deprived soul and he let out another groan, deeper this time.
He ran his free hand up her side and around to her breast, cupping it through the soft material of her dress. He couldn’t stop himself and apparently, Simone didn’t want him to. She moaned and arched against him. He could feel the heat of her pussy through their clothes as she pressed up against his hard cock. Damn, she felt good.
Drake drew her bottom lip into his mouth and gently suckled on it before slowly kissing his way along the delicate curve of her jaw. Simone clutched his shoulders and tilted her head back. He eagerly trailed a path of hot kisses down her neck, then back up, his mouth finding hers again. Simone looped her arms around his neck, pulling him in even closer as their tongues met.
Down the hall, a door slammed, reminding him where they were.
Drake dragged his mouth away from hers, his breathing ragged as he tried to regain control. He had to get it together because he was about five seconds away from doing something really stupid. Like taking her to bed. “I should go.”
Her lips curved into a sexy, flirtatious smile. “Or you could stay.”
God, how he wanted to. But as much as he’d love to spend the rest of the night exploring every inch of her body, he couldn’t take the chance he might go zombie on her right in the middle of sex. Talk about coitus interruptus. And it had already been almost four days since he last turned, which meant he was already pushing his luck.
“You don’t know how much I want to,” he groaned. “But I can’t.”
Simone looked up at him with those big, blue eyes. “Why not?”
“Because I…” He hesitated, trying to come up with something that would sound believable. “I have a column due in the morning and I haven’t even started on it yet.” She knew all about deadlines, so she would understand that. Besides, he did have a column to write, it just wasn’t due until next week. “Rain check?”
She looked disappointed, but she smiled anyway. “Absolutely. How does coming over for dinner tomorrow night sound?”
It would be crazy to agree when he could be so close to having an episode, but he couldn’t say no. Not when she asked in that soft, sultry voice. “Sounds great.”
“Good. Be here at seven.”
“Seven it is.”
She pulled him down for another long, slow kiss on the mouth. “Don’t be late.”
His mouth twitched. “I won’t.” He bent his head to kiss her again, then groaned. “If I don’t go now, I’ll be here all night.”
Simone laughed. “Would that be such a bad thing?”
“Not to me, but my editor at Money Issues might not be too understanding when he doesn’t find my column sitting in his inbox tomorrow.”
She sighed. “Deadlines can be a real pain in the butt sometimes. Okay, go home and write your column. I’ll cuddle up with a bowl of ice cream instead.”
He chuckled. “Sounds better than taking a cold shower, which is what I’m going to be doing when I get home.” He closed his mouth over hers once more. “See you tomorrow night, beautiful.”
Resisting the urge to pull her into his arms again, Drake turned and walked down the hallway toward the stairwell. At the top of the steps, he glanced over his shoulder to see Simone standing where he’d left her, a sexy curve to her lips.
It took every ounce of strength he possessed not to go back and pin her against the door for one more long, lingering kiss. God, what he wouldn’t give to spend the night with her. Man, it was going to take more than a cold shower to get her out of his head.
Winner of the Gold Star Award at JERR
“You will find yourself reading until well beyond the witching hour. Thrilling, suspenseful and passionate Dead Sexy is a wicked read and very deserving of a Gold Star Award!” – JERR
Reviewer Top Pick at Night Owl Romance Reviews
“Dead Sexy is everything you want in a paranormal romance. Action, plot, hot sex, great characters and a realistic romance you won’t forget. I highly recommend this book and look forward to more by Ms. Tyler!” – Night Owl Romance
5 Cherries from Whipped Cream Reviews
“Ms. Tyler has weaved a complex and original story full of action that will keep you flipping pages. This book is full of twists, turns and an ending that will leave you blown away!” – Whipped Cream Reviews
5 Siren Stones from Siren Book Reviews
“When the two words ‘romance’ and ‘zombies’ are used to describe a book, what is one to think? For me, after reading Dead Sexy, my thoughts were a whirlwind of ‘wow’. Paige Tyler made this work. With a great blend of mystery, intrigue, suspense, and action, and not to forget the love scenes, Dead Sexy kept me going long into the late hours of the night.” – Siren Book Reviews
Paranormal Romance Junkies Says, “Read This!”
“This story is such a fun combination of sweet romance, hot sex, realistic relationship issues, and truly exciting zombie action all in one tightly-woven, well-plotted story. Read this! – Paranormal Romance Reviews
5 Nymphs from Literary Nymphs
“I just could not put Dead Sexy down!” – Literary Nymphs
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