Coastal Magic Conference

Posted in Romance on February 7th, 2014 by Cynthia Eden

I’m so sorry–I had originally planned to participate in the wonderful Coastal Magic Con in Florida this weekend (and I was looking forward to meeting all of the attendees). Unfortunately, due to a family health issue, I am not able to attend this event. I know Jennifer has worked tirelessly to organize this conference, and it is sure to be a wonderful success. I hope everyone there has a fantastic time.  And if you are attending, please feel free to email me at–since I cannot be there in person to autograph books, I will be happy to send books to the attendees that I am missing.

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SCREAM FOR ME – Available now

Posted in Romance on February 4th, 2014 by Cynthia Eden

I am so excited–today is the SCREAM FOR ME release day! SCREAM FOR ME is the third and final book in my dark “For Me” romantic suspense trilogy with Montlake Romance.  I had such a blast writing this book. Though I will confess…SCREAM FOR ME gave me nightmares. It’s the only book that ever scared me when I slept! 😉



Nothing is deeper than the desire they can’t fight—or deadlier than the evil they can’t escape.

They were only supposed to have a professional relationship, but FBI agent Kyle McKenzie has been fantasizing about his sexy partner, Cadence Hollow, from the moment they first moment. It takes the darkest case of their careers to finally bring their hidden desire bubbling to the surface. Once they’re in each other’s arms, though, they swear that nothing short of death will part them. The Night Hunter—a cunning stalker whose four-state, fifteen-year abduction spree began in Paradox, Alabama, with Kyle’s sister—may be only too happy to oblige.

In the small town, Kyle must confront the painful past he’s been hiding from Cadence. Kyle vows to put the Hunter behind bars…or in the ground. But the one thing that obsesses Kyle more than his sister’s grim fate—his furious love for Cadence—is the weapon the Hunter will use to lure his pursuers into the mouth of a murderous trap.




The lovely and talented Kelli Martin (Montlake editor extraordinaire) has made a behind-the-scenes video about SCREAM FOR ME.  So if you’d like to learn more, please check it out!


And here’s a new SCREAM FOR ME excerpt for you:


“I’ll kill you…”

Cadence’s eyes flew open at the low snarl. Her heart was racing, and battle-ready tension had slipped instantly through her whole body as adrenaline spiked her blood.

“I know what you did.”

She was reaching for the gun she’d placed on the nightstand when she realized the low snarl she heard was Kyle’s voice.

I’ll kill you…

Instead of grabbing the gun, she flipped on the lamp. A small pool of light spilled into the room, and she saw Kyle’s tense body.

He was on the floor. Chest bare, the blanket she’d given him shoved to the side. His eyes were closed and his body twisted, shaking.


Apparently, Kyle killed people in his nightmares.

That’s a lot better than what happens to me.

Cadence slipped from the bed. Eased down onto her knees next to him. “Kyle, wake up.” She made sure to keep her voice low and soothing.

He didn’t wake up.

But his movements seemed to become even more frantic.

“I know,” Kyle growled. “You’ll pay.”

“Kyle, it’s just a dream.” Sweat covered his broad shoulders. Dampened his hair. “Wake up.” Her voice was louder.

When he still didn’t respond, Cadence reached out to him.



And, if you missed the second book in the trilogy (FEAR FOR ME) it is on sale for just $1.99 during the month of February.

After all, February isn’t just for a month for candy…it’s for killers, too. So why not enjoy some romantic suspense?

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FEAR FOR ME – $1.99

Posted in Latest News on February 3rd, 2014 by Cynthia Eden

FEAR FOR ME was selected to be part of the February Kindle Monthly Deal program–it is on sale for $1.99.  So if you haven’t read this tale yet, it’s a great time to read some dark romantic suspense. 😉


Special $1.99 Sale Price


Tomorrow (2/4/14), the next book in my romantic suspense series for Amazon Montlake will be available–SCREAM FOR ME.


February isn’t just the month of romance…it’s the month of romantic suspense. 😉  Killers and candy go well together, right?

Here’s the SCREAM FOR ME blurb:


Nothing is deeper than the desire they can’t fight—or deadlier than the evil they can’t escape.

They were only supposed to have a professional relationship, but FBI agent Kyle McKenzie has been fantasizing about his sexy partner, Cadence Hollow, from the moment they first moment. It takes the darkest case of their careers to finally bring their hidden desire bubbling to the surface. Once they’re in each other’s arms, though, they swear that nothing short of death will part them. The Night Hunter—a cunning stalker whose four-state, fifteen-year abduction spree began in Paradox, Alabama, with Kyle’s sister—may be only too happy to oblige.

In the small town, Kyle must confront the painful past he’s been hiding from Cadence. Kyle vows to put the Hunter behind bars…or in the ground. But the one thing that obsesses Kyle more than his sister’s grim fate—his furious love for Cadence—is the weapon the Hunter will use to lure his pursuers into the mouth of a murderous trap.


Have a fabulous Monday!!

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BURN FOR ME – Excerpt and Party!

Posted in Romance on January 27th, 2014 by Cynthia Eden

BURN FOR ME, my latest paranormal romance from Kensington Publishing, will release on 1/28/14.  To celebrate the release of BURN FOR ME (and the recent release of UNDERCOVER CAPTOR), I’ll be having a party on my Facebook Fan Page all day on 1/28.  So if you can, please plan to attend! There will be lots of giveaways and surprises all day long.

And to get you in the BURN FOR ME mood…here’s an excerpt from the tale. I hope you enjoy it!



“I won’t hurt you.”

She jumped at the sound of his voice; and what a dark, rumbling voice it was. When the big, bad wolf from that old fairy tale talked, Eve bet the beast had sounded just like Subject Thirteen.

She exhaled and hoped she didn’t look rattled. “I didn’t think you would.”

His lips twisted in the faintest of smiles—one that called her a liar.

Eve put the stethoscope over his heart. She adjusted the equipment, listened, and glanced up at him in surprise. “Is your heartbeat always this fast?” Grabbing his chart, she scanned through the notes. Fast, but not this fast. His heart was galloping like a racehorse.

Eve put her hand against his forehead and hissed out a breath. The guy was hot. Not warm, not feverish, hot.

And she was so close to him that her breasts brushed his arm.

Subject Thirteen’s heartbeat grew even faster.

Oh . . . just . . . oh. Hell. She hurried backward a bit.

“I need to draw a sample of your blood.” She also wanted to take his temperature because the guy had to be scorching. Just what was he? Not a vampire, those guys could never heat up this much. A shifter? Maybe. She’d seen one of those subjects on her first day. But the shifter had been in a cozy dorm-type room.

He hadn’t been shackled.

Eve put up the stethoscope and reached for a needle. She eased closer to Thirteen once more and rose onto her toes. The guy was big, at least six three, maybe six four, so she couldn’t quite reach his ear as she whispered, “Are you here willingly?”

Eve began to draw his blood. Thirteen didn’t even flinch as the needle slid into his arm.

But he did give a small, negative shake of his head.

Shit. She eased back down and tried to figure out just how she could help him.

“I’m Eve.” She licked her lips. His gaze followed the movement. The darkness in his stare seemed to heat. Everything about the guy was hot. “I-I can help you.”

He laughed then, and the sound chilled her. “No,” he said in that deep rumble of a voice, “you can’t.”



Have a great Monday!

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UNDERCOVER CAPTOR – Available now in print!

Posted in Romance on January 21st, 2014 by Cynthia Eden

Today is the print release date for my latest Harlequin Intrigue, UNDERCOVER CAPTOR. My publisher, Harlequin, will be releasing the digital version of this book on 2/1.  Since it’s release time, I thought an excerpt share was in order. 😉 I hope you enjoy it!



“Be very careful what you say,” he barely breathed the words against the delicate shell of her ear.

Tina shivered.

Was that shiver from fear? Had to be. In these circumstances, he was foolish to think it could be from anything else.

But, just in case, he filed that reaction away for future notice. Because he’d sure like to know every sensitive spot on Tina’s gorgeous body.

“They could be listening.” His mouth brushed across her ear.

She gave the faintest of nods.

Her smell was incredible.


He lifted his hands and undid the gag. The cloth dropped from her mouth.

Tina licked her lips and sucked in a deep gulp of air. “Thank you.”

His own mouth tightened. She shouldn’t be thanking him. He hadn’t saved her. “I’m going to patch up your arm.”

She blinked once more, and her gaze found his. She was still breathing deeply, gulping in air as if she’d been starved for it.

Her skin was porcelain pale and he wanted color staining her cheeks once more. He wanted the fear gone from her eyes.

Trust me. He mouthed the words to her.

After the faintest of hesitations, Tina nodded.

The ice melted a little around him. He turned away from her. Fumbled through the drawers in the room until he found some first-aid supplies. The men—and women—at the compound were always ready for battle, so that meant they had to be ready for the cleanup after that battle. He’d quickly learned that there were first-aid supplies scattered all around the place.

Tina didn’t wince when he began to clean her wound with an antiseptic cloth. “It’s not deep enough for stitches,” he said as he put the bandage on her arm. “You’re lucky.”

Both her brows shot up.

Fine. So “lucky” hadn’t been the best word to describe her current situation.

He grabbed a chair and pulled it toward her. She was still tied up, and he had to keep her that way or the others would wonder what the hell was happening. “You’re going to be all right.”

Tina’s gaze just stared back at him.

He realized that she didn’t believe him. Maybe that was good—because Drew hated making promises he couldn’t keep.


I’ve got back-to-back releases with my Shadow Agents. Next month, the next book in the series, THE GIRL NEXT DOOR will be available. I love it when books release close together!

I hope that you have a fabulous Tuesday!

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