Hi, everyone! Happy Friday!!! Today, I wanted to spotlight a new anthology that includes a tale by my writing buddy Danica Avet. The stories in this anthology look awesome–so be sure to snatch up a copy of the collection! Priced at just $.99, this set is a major deal!

Meet the Authors
Welcome to the world of men brought to their knees by love! This STEAMY collection by acclaimed erotic romance authors will test their heroes to their limits! Read on for more about this steamy set by A.M. Griffin, Amy Ruttan, Anya Richards, Cynthia D’Alba, Danica Avet, Felice Fox, Jennifer Kacey, Lynne Silver, Sabrina York, Sayde Grace & Tina Donahue.
We sat down with the ladies and asked them one important question:
What makes your hero(es) sexy?
A.M.: “Kristof Farkas of Dark Wolf Enterprises is a wolf shifter. Need I say more? LOL. He’s tall dark and handsome. He’s a take control sort of guy. He’s also willing to put his needs over others. He’s not perfect, and I don’t like perfect hero’s, but he comes around in the end and that’s all that matters.”
Dark Wolf Enterprises by A.M. Griffin—Murder, mayhem and imprinting with a hot wolf shifter… And they say being an accountant is boring.
Find Me Here
Website: http://www.amgriffinbooks.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/amgriffinbooks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMGriffinbooks
Amy: “I really like Alpha males. Especially Alpha males who are broody and have a secret. I love when a heroine comes in and breaks down an Alpha’s carefully placed walls. Plus, William is a cowboy. Cowboys make me swoon every time.”
Building Bridges by Amy Ruttan—A vet tech and a lone wolf rancher ride out a sudden storm, but can they weather the emotions they stir up in each other…
Find me here:
Website: www.amyruttan.com
Twitter: @ruttanamy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmyRuttanAuthor
Anya: “Sergeant Kyle Pictou is not just a handsome cop, but he’s controlled, astute and ambitious, a very sexy combination to me. He also has a big secret, which makes him emotionally distant. The other hero, Vincent Williams, is scarred, physically and psychologically, but he’s worked hard to get past that as much as he can. I love his strength of character, the fact that he loves animals—dogs in particular—and that, like me, he’s a Jamaican transplanted to Canada, doing all he can to fit in while still maintaining his roots.”
Three Strikes by Anya Richards—Two lonely men. One secret affair. Irresistible passion that will push them both to the breaking point, and beyond.
Find me here:
Website: www.anyarichards.com
Twitter: @AnyaRwrites.
Cynthia: “I love hero with a good sense of humor, especially dry humor. My heroes are smart and loyal, two traits that are uber-sexy. But when you add in muscular legs, strong arms, and washboard abs, it’s impossible not to want to want the whole package.”
A Cowboy’s Seduction by Cynthia D’Alba—One exhausted cowboy + One uptight account x A tropical resort = A hot seduction. But who is seducing whom?
Find me here:
Website: CynthiaDAlba.com
Facebook: facebook.com/AuthorCynthiaDAlba
Twitter: @CynthiaDAlba
Danica: “Oh Sin is sexy because on the outside all you see is big, bad tattooed mechanic, but when you really get down to the essence of who he is…he’s hot, he’s confident and he had a hidden soft spot a mile wide. I’m actually looking for my own Sinclair Rivas right now.”
Born to Sin by Danica Avet—A tomboy in love makes a desperate attempt to seduce her best friend and succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. But this Alpha male isn’t easily tamed and has secrets that could very well tear them apart.
Find Me Here
Website: http://danicaavet.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Danica-Avet-Writer/108148517161
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaniaAvet
Felice: “Brody loves sex and he’s damn good at it. He’s very confident, until he meets Ellie—he’s forced to learn her body and how to please her while resisting his own urges. To me, a man who makes his woman’s pleasure a priority while holding back his own, is incredibly hot.”
The Sound of Your Name by Felice Fox—Their silent erotic encounters change his luck and awaken his soul, but secrets and cowboy superstitions can only keep them apart.
Find me here:
Website: http://www.felicefox.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/felicefox
Twitter: https://twitter.com/felicefox
Jennifer: “Radigan is an actor. Tall, dark, broody, and he’s dominant with a capital YUMMO!!! His security detail are sexy, delicious and willing to follow his orders on how to pleasure his woman. Acacia never knew what hit her.”
Beneath the Pages by Jennifer Kacey—One wicked night with her did nothing but whet his appetite. Now he’ll settle for nothing less than her complete submission.
Find Me Here
Website: http://www.jenniferkacey.com/
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/jenniferkaceyauthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JenniferKacey
Lynne: “I go for smart. A guy can have smoldering looks and 8 pack abs, but if he can’t make me laugh or think, he’s done for. Jonah, the hero of Cruising is a doctor. And he’s trying so hard to be an alpha male because he thinks it’s what Andi, his heroine, wants.”
Cruising for Love by Lynne Silver—A vacation cruise comes with surprises—like the BDSM theme and her high school love, the one man she can’t resist.
Find me here:
Website: www.lynnesilver.com
Twitter: @LynneSilver
FB Fanpage: www.facebook.com/LynneSilverAuthor
Sabrina: “The sexiest thing about Dane Coulter isn’t his rock hard abs or his Special-Ops-warrior physique. To me, what makes this man irresistible is the fact that he swore—swore—he would never fall in love, and then, right off the bat, he meets a woman who shatters his resolve. To his chagrin, she is the one woman he can never touch. I love the conflict in him, the heinous tug between desire and a man-code that clearly needs to get tossed. And Tina is determined to make him suffer. It’s delicious.”
Whipped by Sabrina York—A scalding attraction. An irresistible passion. A pity she’s the one woman he can never have…
Find me here:
Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/SabrinaYorkBooks
Twitter @sabrina_york https://twitter.com/sabrina_york
Sayde: “Bowie Sinet is calm and collected except when it comes to my herione. They have a past so she knows what to say to make him come out of his brooding seriousness. His last name starts with sin and he knows how to. Not to mention he’s tall, black headed, southern and the sheriff. What more could you want? I know, how about a man with a great sense of humor and honor? Well then Bowie Sinet is the guy for you. I love writing characters who make you smile and this cowboy will do just that.”
Chief Sin by Sayde Grace—A taste of Sin isn’t enough. Instead she wants all of him, including the heart she once broke.
Find me here:
Website: HTTP://www.saydegrace.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/saydegrace
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/saydegrace
Tina: “Physically, they’re hotter than sin. Travis is the proverbial tall, dark and handsome hunk with sin in his eyes and a wild streak. He owns a saloon that caters to bikers. Need I say more? Dutch, who’s just as hot, looks like a biker, what with his shaved head and impressive tats. Emotionally, what makes them irresistible is that they honestly respect women. They’re bad boys, sure, but they don’t use, they don’t hurt. They’re Alpha heroes who command and cherish. A potent combination.”
Make Me Surrender by Tina Donahue—She has a proposition…to win their attention, passion, hearts.
Find me here:
Website: http://www.tinadonahue.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tinadonahue
FB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TinaDonahueBooks
Be sure to grab your copy of the entire set on August 19th for the unbeatable price of 99¢. And tell your friends!
Here are the buy links so you can get copy for some fun weekend reading!
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/brought-to-his-knees-am-griffin/1119993064?ean=2940045653121
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/brought-to-his-knees
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-broughttohisknees-1581282-362.html
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/459859
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MQH71KW