THE THIEF WHO LOVED ME – Teaser Back to Blog

Halloween is coming…remember to treat yourself this month! 😉 And an awesome way to be treated?? With a new book!

How about another quick teaser from my upcoming romantic suspense, THE THIEF WHO LOVED ME (out on 10/25)?

“I want answers. Didn’t think they mattered, but these jerks aren’t giving up. We need a plan of attack. We need—”

She knew exactly what they needed. With her shoulders hunching even more, Jacqueline lifted her hands toward him. She turned them over, so that her wrists were up. “You need to arrest me.”

One of his eyebrows slowly rose. “Why would I do that?”

“Because…” She choked down the lump in her throat. “I’m a thief.” There. Said. Done.

His hands rose and curled around hers. No—around her wrists. That same crazy spark surged through her at his touch, and she wondered how she could still feel that burn when he was about to call his real FBI buddies and lock her away.

His fingers lightly caressed her skin.


“What a coincidence,” he murmured and flashed her a killer smile. “So am I.”

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