What makes you howl? Back to Blog

Update: The Amazon gift card winner is…leann! Congrats!

In HOWL FOR IT, my hero, Gage, is  a werewolf. A pack alpha. One tough guy who won’t let anyone or anything hurt the woman that he loves. And when Gage gets angry with those who threaten his lady, his inner beast sure does come out.

For the first prize of the day, I want to know…what makes you howl? Is there something that just makes you so angry that you feel the urge to howl at the moon? Come on, share! Venting can be good for you.

And that venting could help you to win a $25 Amazon.com gift card. I’ll pick one random winner to win the prize.  (Winner announced after 12 PM tomorrow. Good luck!


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180 responses to “What makes you howl?”

  1. Sandy M says:

    Bad, inconsiderate drivers. Of course, anyone inconsiderate anywhere in my world makes me want to howl. The old saying do unto others is soooooo true.

  2. Spav says:

    I hate it when I see book in a trash can.
    Also when someone starts asking me questions non-stop.

  3. Judgmental people make me howl. Everyone has their faults.

  4. Mariee says:

    Politicians and bad drivers. Ugh!

  5. infinitieh says:

    People who are inconsiderate toward others, whether it’s small acts of annoyance (standing too close while waiting in line) or big acts (like murder).

  6. Michelle Harlan says:

    I “howled” recently over school budget cuts. We found out the Art program was cut in our district because of budget issues, but they didn’t have a problem funding a new stadium. Made my heart break for all of the elementary kids that won’t have art class this year.

  7. bn100 says:

    Rude people

  8. aretha zhen says:

    i will howl for any child abuse. i hate child abuse so much!!!

  9. Kimh says:

    Bad drivers, touching others people stuff,great party, thanks

  10. JessS says:

    Bad grammar/spelling, and some of the crap that’s popular, because I know of way better things out there.

  11. June says:

    I guess what makes me the angriest is when someone mistreats/abuses someone else, especially children, animals, or the elderly. These are unable to defend themselves very much anyway and often have no way to get away from their abusers.

  12. Laura McLendon says:

    Non supportive loved ones when in a time of need!!

  13. DANIELA says:

    Dishonesty or injustice, I just can’t stand them!

  14. Yvonne B. says:


    Among other things, bad drivers, rude people, something I call ‘talking into the closet’ (someone that will be standing in pantry/closet/etc., start talking – usually away from intended recipient of whatever is said – then expect an answer), politicians (whole lot of them), bad grammar/spelling (then getting ‘huffy’ about it when it is pointed out-especially if asked about it)…..I could go on and on…… 🙂

  15. wolfwattitude says:

    Well, a full moon makes me howl every month but abused animals make me Howl in anger.

  16. Lindsey E says:

    People who do not recycle and throw paper in the garbage and the recycle bin is just a couple of steps away.

  17. Susie says:

    University spending and tuition/fee hikes!! When my school is going to remodel a building that is absolutely fine the way it is, install flat screen TVs everywhere, donate 2 hybrid buses to public transportation (noble but not if it is being paid for by poor students)and then they raise tuition every year AND increase other fees that we pay in order to pay for these non-necessities, it just makes me “howl”!! I am poor, actually worse than poor since I have student loans I don’t want to pay for things that are not absolutely necessary!! Is that too much to ask for? I guess so!!

    Thanks for the rant opportunity!! 🙂

  18. Amber Schaber says:

    My newest pet peeve is people that park in the handicap spaces that are not supposed to. My grandmother has an extremely difficult time walking and there are times when she goes to the store and there are no handicap spots open and most of the people do not have the sticker on the window or on their plates like they are supposed to. :/

  19. Eileen says:

    This may seem very silly in the context of most of the thoughtful comments, but terrible bra fitting and not being able to find underwear that fits makes me twitch- and I think it contributes to women’s wonky body images.

  20. Anne says:

    I was out sick yesterday and a co-worker refused to sign for a package. I was pissed because it’s not technically my job either, but I do what’s necessary to get the job done. I hate “not me” people.

  21. Monique says:

    I hate two faced people.

  22. Jenese L says:

    My husband make me ask him repeatedly to do something around the house. Grr! He can push my buttons like no other! lol

    Also blog related, CAPTCA!! Ugh, shut it off everyone! Sheesh!

  23. Jen says:

    Stupid drivers make me want to howl!!

  24. Nareh says:

    Close minded people

  25. Limecello says:

    Stupid people make me howl. Jackasses. Douchebags. People who are jerks on the road – I laid on my horn for a good 30 seconds today when someone insisted on cutting in front of me on the highway during a traffic jam. [If she had followed traffic laws, or at least had her turn signal on I’d have been okay.]
    I… obviously can have a really short temper. When my clients lie to me it pisses me off.


    Sorry to rant. But most importantly, HAPPY RELEASE DAY, Cynthia!!!

  26. Danah says:

    Stupid people with no common sense or logic and government red tape. Also, when the people in upper management change procedures that are working for ones that don’t make any sense at all and just end up making your job even more complicated and difficult than it has to be. Working in the largest busiest criminal court in the country which is short staffed, backlogged and only going to get worse in the next couple of years wouldn’t it make sense to streamline the processes not make them more difficult????
    I guess I’m just not cut out for government work…LOL!!!

    I need to win the Lottery…Please, Please, Please, Please, Please!!!!!