Movies with Bite (and a Gift Card!) Back to Blog

The winner of the Barnes & Noble gift card is…Cindy O.


As we continue our giveaway fun here at the blog, I thought I’d turn the topic to movies…or, rather, werewolf movies.

I’m a big fan of the movie Cursed. It has everything that I look for in a werewolf movie…sexy hero (or, um bad guy), chills, thrills, scares a plenty…and humor. I love me some good humor.  😉

But there are other werewolf movies that I enjoy, like:


Red Riding Hood (loved her cape!!!)

All of Underworld movies (Michael was a fun hero)

The classic Wolf Man (what can I say? I love old movies!)


And, while I haven’t seen Ginger Snaps, I’ve heard that lots of people love the movie–so I will have to check it out.

What’s your favorite werewolf movie?  Share! I’ll pick one random commenter to win a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble. (The contest will stay open until noon–Central time–on Monday.)  Good luck!!!

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86 responses to “Movies with Bite (and a Gift Card!)”

  1. Ilona says:

    Underworld is the one for me (though Dog Soldiers was pretty good too).

  2. Taylor Z says:

    My favorite is Blood and Chocolate! It was my first werewolf movie. But i love it!

    Taylor Z

  3. Barb P says:

    I am a huge fan of Cursed also, but I have to say that my fav all time werewolf movie is Lon Chaney Jr’s original The Wolfman. I just love the old classics! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  4. Jamie W says:

    I like the romance so “New Moon” was my fav werewolf movie. Plus, got to see lots of abs!

  5. Chelsea B. says:

    I would have to say Blood and Chocolate! Great special effects, great romance… If you haven’t seen it, do! 🙂

  6. Nareh says:

    Underworld Awakening is great.

  7. Danni T says:

    Mine’s definitely been the Underworld series. I loved Micheal’s character.

  8. CrystalGB says:

    I love the Underworld series. 🙂

  9. Christy Reagan says:

    There are many good one’s but Stephen King’s Silver Bullet was really good.

  10. Lori Meehan says:

    I don’t do scary movies because basically I’m a woos(sp?). But when ever I think of a werewolf movie its The Howling. Because it was so bad that I laughed through most of it.

  11. Jacki Chase says:

    Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf. I saw American Werewolf in London in college and it was great.

  12. The Warrior says:

    I never watched any of the movies listed.. though I read the first Underworld book lol

  13. Michele says:

    Have to say my all time favorite would have to be the Underworld series. Can’t get enough!!!

  14. Amy W says:

    My fav movie would have to be RED RIDING HOOD.

  15. Alaine says:

    I love Underworld!
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  16. Anne says:

    I liked Cursed, the production values were good for a low level horror flick. I would say Underworld is at the top of my list. Blood and Chocolate was good too.

  17. patti silva says:

    I lived Van Helsing, it had both my favorites…werewolf and vampires

  18. Cindy Anderson says:

    I LOVE all of Underworld movies, Michael & Selene are so cute together!

  19. Jennie Hartley says:

    Silver Bullet. I know, it doesn’t end well for the werewolf, but it was one of the first ‘horror’ movies I could sit through and not have nightmares! LOL

  20. Audrie says:

    I love the Underworld Series!!

    I would have to say that I love the movie “Wolf” though with Jack Nichoalson and Michelle Pfeiffer. She was so pretty in that movie and I liked her wolf eyes at the end.

  21. Kelsey S. says:

    I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any werewolf movies other than the Twilight movies and they definitely weren’t my favorites.

  22. Aretha z says:

    I must say teen wolf !! Totally love that movie :).

  23. Astrid says:

    Underworld III was awesome!

  24. Josette Schaber says:

    The Underworld series for sure. Love Micheal’s eyes, was thrilled with the latest movie and hope they bring out another one with him in it again (hopefully with the same actor).

  25. My favorite werewolf movie is An American Werewolf in London. It’s a comedic horror movie so that’s always fun. An oldy but good!

  26. Glittergirl says:

    I’m a huge Underworld fan, I loved Michael 🙂

  27. Marianne says:

    American Werewolf in London brings back great hs memories.

  28. Holly Richards says:

    Silver Bullet I would have to say is my favorite

  29. Melissa B says:

    Underworld…it’s hard to beat that movie! But for laughs, I always loved Michael J. Fox in Teen Wolf. When I was a teenager, I watched that movie OVER and OVER!!

  30. Norma says:

    Silver Bullet for sure!

  31. Corinne says:

    Underworld series

  32. Judy says:

    Michael J. Fox in Teen Wolf.

  33. Krissy Holstein says:

    Underword Series

  34. Amber Schaber says:

    Underworld and Blood and Chocolate win it for me.

  35. Meghan Bourgeois says:

    TeenWolf has always been my favorite! I used to watch An American Werewolf in Paris a lot too.

  36. Dee says:

    An American Werewolf in London is my favorite for sure! 🙂 Thanks for the chance!