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Rejection is something that all writers face. Whether you’ve sold a dozen books or you are attempting to sell your first tale, rejection happens. It’s just a part of the writing life.  The important thing to remember?  You can’t ever let a rejection force you to give up your dream. If you want to be a writer, then write.  Rejections won’t stop you from being a writer–but they can make you more determined than ever to perfect your craft and achieve your dream.

Here’s a video created by the great team at Open Road Media. In this video, Richelle Mead, Mary Monroe, and I all talk about rejection.  (Because, yes, rejection can be a painful thing, but in no way is it the end of your writing life. Don’t let it be.)

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7 responses to “Rejection”

  1. Edie Ramer says:

    Great video. You’re so cute! lol

  2. Viki says:

    Nice video. I agree with Edie, you are all so cute :). I can see the wide eyed 18 year old so easily.

    • Cynthia Eden says:

      That 18 year old wrote a terrible, terrible story!! I know 18 yr old who can write really wall, I just didn’t happen to be one of ’em. 🙂

  3. Diane Sadler says:

    why isn’t it working?

  4. Diane Sadler says:

    I watched the video and you were all great and should be proud of your success.

    • Cynthia Eden says:

      Thanks, Diane! I’m just glad I didn’t give up after that first story. Those rejections came fast & furious back then. But I kept learning & kept writing.