Party Details! Back to Blog
Are you ready for some prizes? Ready for fun? Then come back to my blog bright and early on 6/28/11.
The party will kick off at 6:00 am Central time. Guest authors will be posting each hour of the day–the very last guest post is schedule to go live at 10:00 PM Central time. During those hourly posts, you’ll have the chance to win some awesome prizes. You see, each post will have a giveaway attached to it. In order to enter that giveaway, just leave a comment for the post/prize that interests you.
But, that’s not all…I will leave all of the comments open until noon on 6/29 (that way, folks in all the time zones can participate). At noon, I’ll go back and pick some random commenters to win gift certificates (Amazon, Barnes & Noble…). I may also throw in some extra, surprise prizes, just for fun.
It’s a party, and I hope you’ll be able to make it! Come on–it’ll be a howling good time! 🙂
Here’s a list of all the fabulous authors who will be helping me to celebrate:
That’s a lot of great authors–and a ton of prizes. So don’t miss the fun! Swing by to check out the posts and leave comments to enter the giveaways.
Have a great weekend!
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WOW! Great group helping you celebrate – looking forward to it 🙂
That is a great party list you have there. Very excited 😀
I’ll definitely be there! Can’t wait!!
Sounds great! 😀
Those are great authors, I will try to make some comments but I will be on vacation. Boo Hoo!
What an awesome part.Count me in.
Sounds exciting, I will do my best to be there…. ~lot of great authors too!
Sounds exciting, I will do my best to be there…. Alot of great authors too!
ooooooooh! Can’t wait!
Congratulations on your new release Cynthia and wow, this sounds like the party of the season, wouldn’t want to miss it! 😉
Congratulations on your new release! Waiting for it to hit my Nook…..
Congrats on your latest release Cynthia, can’t wait to read it!
Congrats!!!!! What a way to celebrate!!!!
Congrats on the new release! Haven’t been to this kinf of party. It rocks!