RWA, Release, and Party Time Back to Blog

Hi, everyone! Hope you’re having a fabulous week!

Previously, I had planned to attend the upcoming RWA Conference in New York, but, unfortunately, my schedule has changed, and I won’t be able to make it this year.  I will miss seeing all the wonderful readers and writers and hearing all of the great workshop presentations.  I know that those folks attending will have a fabulous time.

I also wanted to take a moment and say how honored I feel to be a RITA finalist in the romantic suspense category.  I am in a category that is filled with incredible authors, and I am honored to be included with them.  I would also like to wish all the RITA finalists (in all categories) the best of luck.

And now…a bit of party news. 🙂

Since I won’t be out of town next week, I can focus a bit more on the release of NEVER CRY WOLF. (It releases on 6/28/11! That’s next Tuesday! Next Tuesday!) I am planning a day-long party for this day. Beginning at 6 a.m. (Central time), I will put up contests and guests posts. Each hour, I will have a new giveaway scheduled.  Some absolutely fabulous authors are joining me in the fun (I’ll post the full list tomorrow so you can see them all).  You can comment directly on the posts to be included in the individual giveaways, and, then, I will go back at the end of the event and randomly pick commenters to win gift certificates.  So, yes, the more you comment,  that means the more chances you have of winning. Win, win, win!

The fun will begin at 6:00 a.m. Central time on 6/28/11, and I will leave comments open until noon (again, Central time) on 6/29/11. That way, folks in different time zones can all have a chance to participate.

So…are you ready to party?  I do love a good party…

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4 responses to “RWA, Release, and Party Time”

  1. Viki says:

    Sorry you couldn’t go to NY.
    Yup, I’m up for next Tuesday :)!

  2. Edie Ramer says:

    Cynthia, I’m sorry you won’t make it to the RITA ceremony, but it’s a great idea to have a party. I’ll be there!

  3. Kathy Miller says:

    I’m a party hearty fool. I’ll see ya Tuesday. I’ll be the one wearing the lamp shade.

  4. Michele says:

    I’m ready, you throw some great online parties 😀