Bodyguards In Bed Back to Blog

Update: Thanks for all the comments! A random winner was selected, and that person is…Angela M! Congrats, Angela! I will email you with prize details very soon!

Happy June!! Β Summer, oh, yes, sweet summer is now upon us!

And do you know what goes well with summer? Books. Good books to read on a hot summer day. Β So, I thought I’d do a giveaway on the old blog. πŸ™‚

Are you in the mood to read some sexy novellas about strong bodyguards? Β My friend Elisabeth Naughton is in the new anthology, BODYGUARDS IN BED–an anthology that looks like a great read.

Want to read an excerpt from Elisabeth’s story? It’s here!

Now…wanna win a copy of the book? I’ll pick one commenter randomly, and I’ll send that person a copy of BODYGUARDS IN BED via Amazon (you can get the trade version of an ebook version). Β Just leave me a comment telling me if you would or would not make a good bodyguard. Β  Easy, right?

Thanks for checking out the contest–and have a great day! Β (The contest will run until 5 pm on 6/2.)

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37 responses to “Bodyguards In Bed”

  1. CrystalGB says:

    I would love to read this anthology. Love bodyguards. Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. Lisa b says:

    Um no i probably wouldn’t. In my next life maybe. Looks like a great book. Love teh cover.

    Lisa B
    modokker at yahoo dot com

  3. Stephanie M says:

    I would not make a good bodyguard. I am not really a fighter and I could not hit a target that was not really close to me.

  4. Peg says:

    No, I wouldn’t make a good bodyguard. Too much of a wimp. But I’d love to get my hands on one πŸ™‚

  5. I’m not a good shot, don’t know martial arts, or how to fight, so I don’t think that I would make a good bodyguard.

  6. danni says:

    No I wouldn’t be a good bodyguard. I have to many physical problems to be any good. With my luck, the person I was suppose to be protecting would probably get either hurt or killed on the first day.

  7. desiree says:

    I wouldn’t make a good body guard. I am too freaking short and look too young no one would take me seriously. I would have fun with guns and knives though. But I would probably get someone I would be so annoyed with I would wanna kill them myself.
    deslauree3 at aol dot com

  8. Susan says:

    No, I would try to be a good bodyguard, but I don’t think I’d be a very good one. Not quite tough enough. lol

    would LOVE to win this book though! I love reading about other’s lives and living vicariously through the wonderful stories!


  9. Christi says:

    I would not make a good bodyguard because I am the type that freezes. Now, I think I would make a great victim. “Oh help me” (I can only hope that the bodyguard is hot!!!!!

  10. Sherie says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. Hands down would not be a good bodyguard. I will let my hubby, who thinks he is an alpha, do that instead!

  11. Jennifer D. says:

    The answer is no – I would be a terrible bodyguard. I’m not much for confrontation – even verbal – so I probably would not be a good choice.

  12. Lois M. says:

    Hi! πŸ™‚ Oh please, me, a bodyguard? Hell no. I’d be one that would end up needing one… for stumbling into something, not actually doing it in the first place. But I guess needing one isn’t too bad of a thing to a certain extent. πŸ˜‰


  13. Katie W says:

    I do not think I would be a good bodyguard…I am not big enough and definitely do not pay attention to my surroundings as well as I should! Haha

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Katiewalthall AT ymail DOT com

  14. Viki says:

    I would make an excellent bodyguard. I lift weights 5 times a week and am very strong. Have known how to defend myself since I was a teenager. I am very alert to my surroundings and am loyal to those I care for.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  15. Anne says:

    I’m a 5’1″, weight a state secret, couch potato so, no I wouldn’t be a good bodyguard. I am very protective with friends and family members.

    Some guys were picking on my older brother in high school and I hauled off and slapped the ring leader across the face and told him if he messed with my brother again I’d beat the crap out of him. They slunk off making rude comments, my brother was pissed and once the adrenaline wore off, I almost had a stroke. They never retaliated (or bothered my brother again).

  16. Colleen says:

    If there was no danger then I would be a good bodyguard! πŸ˜‰ I would prefer to have a sexy bodyguard watching over me!

  17. ChrisS says:

    LOL. It would all depend on who I was to guard. I would have to say yes, if I was to protect a family member. I would be fiercely protective. However, as a bodyguard for someone I have no connection to, I wouldn’t have it in me.

  18. Christina R. says:

    I absolutely would not make a good bodyguard. I’m scared of my own shadow. And if I was guarding a hot man, I’d be too distracted my his hotness to concentrate on anything around me πŸ™‚

  19. khelsey says:

    I would not make a good bodyguard. I’m too weak! I don’t think i could shoot someone.

  20. Jessica says:

    i dont think i would be a good body guard i have never been in a fight or self defense training i probaly couldn’t hurt anyone to safe my life

  21. Natasja says:

    Nope I would’t make a very good bodyguard, although I have to say I would defends my family no matter what, So maybe I have the instincts.

  22. Jacquie Biggar says:

    I think that yes I could make a good bodyguard, I mean who’s going to look at a 47 year old granny and worry about whether I’ll take them down or not?lol

  23. Debra McDonald says:

    I have worked security but a body guard I have to say NO!!! I will leave that to the tough ones πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  24. Jennifer says:

    I think I would make a good bodyguard. I have been told that I can make grown men cry with my mean face.

  25. Audrey A. says:

    I think I’d be good at it. I’ve been told I’m scary. I’ve got a kind of soft innocent look too so the bad guys would always underestimate me.

  26. Diane Sadler says:

    No I wouldn’t make much of a bodyguard; I’m scared of my own shadow. But I wouldn’t mind having a bodyguard!

  27. Michele says:

    I so wouldn’t make a good bodyguard. I would flip out and probably hurt myself trying to get away πŸ™‚ I live through the heroines I read about, lol πŸ˜€

  28. Edie Ramer says:

    Love the cover! But shouldn’t she be dangling either a pair of briefs or boxers from her toe? πŸ˜€

    I would make a horrible bodyguard. I’m way too short and have no fighting skills. (Though I could beat my brother when we were growing up.)

  29. Ren Puspita says:

    I learn martial art when I’m college and I’m capable to beat and kick some ass, so I think I will be a good bodyguard! πŸ˜‰

  30. Jessica C says:

    I would not make a good bodyguard at all. I want to be the damsel in distress. Not too much distress. Just a little. πŸ™‚

    jcross719 at yahoo dot com

  31. I’ve loved reading these comments today! Thanks so much to Cynthia for sharing BODYGUARDS IN BED and giving away a copy!

    I, too, would probably not make a good bodyguard, but writing about bodyguards is super fun. πŸ™‚

    And Edie…LOL at your comment. I didn’t think of that, though someone did comment to me that the gun shouldn’t be pointing at her. Personally, I love the cover. Though when I pointed out to my editor that my characters don’t spend much time in bed, she said, “Who needs a bed when you have stairwells and showers and waterfalls and…?”

    (Okay, I’ll just stop right there. *grin*)

  32. Chelsea B. says:

    No way! I would be so busy trying to make sure nothing happened to the person I was guarding, that I would end up not even seeing it coming! πŸ˜‰

  33. Angela M says:

    I wish I had it in me, but sadly I would probably hurt myself before taking out the bad guys or girls for that matter.

  34. I wouldn’t make a great bodyguard. I’m too shy LOL

  35. amyt865 says:

    If I only had to shoot the bad guy then I could handle being a bodyguard as I’m a pretty straight shooter, lol. If I had to take them out physically, probably not.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. Cathy R. says:

    Nope, I can’t see myself guarding anyone, though wouldn’t mind having a hunky bodyguard at my side.
    Thanks for the contest.

  37. donnas says:

    I would not make a good bodyguard. Way too much of a weakling and wuss. At least I can admit it. Although I wouldnt mind a good one of my own.