Looking for a few reviewers… Back to Blog

Hi, everyone!  My first ebook -only story, BOUND BY BLOOD will soon be available! (Actually, it’s already available on Smashwords, but it will be sold from Kindle as well as B&N, too! I’m working to get the story added to as many locations as possible.) This a  new story, and it contains 21,000 words.

But right now, I was hoping to find a few folks who might be interested in reviewing the story.  You can post the review any place–your blog, Facebook, Smashwords, Amazon, etc.  I’ll give the first 20 reviewers who respond a coupon code so that you can receive a free copy of BOUND BY BLOOD from Smashwords (you can choose the format).  When you post, please just give an honest review.

Here’s the blurb:

It’s an Immortal War…

Vampires and werewolves have been blood enemies for centuries, but now a new threat is rising…demons are escaping from hell and those demons are intent on wiping out both the vamps and the werewolves.

When you have no one to trust…

In order to stop the demons, pureblood vampire princess Morgan LaBeaux agrees to the treaty offered by werewolf alpha Jace Vaughn. She’ll mate with him, share her blood with him…and in return, the wolves will aid the vampires in this battle.

The enemy of my enemy is my husband…

But Morgan doesn’t realize just how dangerous the wolves can truly be. Jace has been waiting years to claim her. He’s set a trap for his princess, and now that he has her, Jace doesn’t plan to let her go.  He’ll send the demons back to hell, and he’ll keep his vampiress—forever.

Because the blood binds all.

Interested in receiving a review copy?  Then just put your email address in the comments.  I will send the Smashwords coupon to the first 20 folks who respond.

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30 responses to “Looking for a few reviewers…”

  1. MinnChica says:

    I would love to!!!


  2. Tanja Haack says:

    I would love to review your book. I have done reviews for many books. I post my reviews on Facebook, Twitter, BN, Amazon, Goodreads and Librarything. Thanx for the opportunity to read your debut book.

  3. Jolene Allcock says:

    I would love to review this. I don’t have a blog, but I put my reviews on goodreads and amazon


  4. I’d love to cover this. Will post wherever you like, i.e. my site, Amazon, Goodreads, Smashwords, etc.

    lucy (at) lucyfelthouse (dot) co (dot) uk

  5. Michelle Bledsoe says:

    Hi,it’s me again. I would love to read and review your book.I can not get enough of your stories.


    (I always think of Peanut and Jeff Dunham when I do the dot com thing.LOL weird I know)

  6. Ren van Persie says:

    Would love to review 🙂

    I’ll put the review in my goodreads


  7. Black Velvet says:

    I would love to review this! I even have my own blog for such things (shameless self promotion).

  8. Tara says:

    I would love to review it…

  9. Dee says:

    I would love the chance to review! Sounds great!

  10. Reanna says:

    I ould love to do a review for you sounds like a great book :)~

  11. Natasha A. says:

    natasha AT likeminds.ca

  12. Edie Ramer says:

    I’d love to review it! I love all your books.

  13. Colleen says:

    Sounds great! Count me in please!

    greenshamrock @ cox dot net

  14. Viki says:

    Can’t wait to put it on my Kindle!

  15. Michele says:

    I would love to review your book 😀


  16. Marilyn A says:

    I read ALL of your books…would love to review this one.

  17. Kathy Webb says:

    Would love to review your book.. I love your books!

  18. Angela says:

    OMG! Would love to review your book if possible, love all your work!


  19. donnas says:

    I would be happy to do it.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  20. Laura says:

    Would love to!!! laurigirl99@hotmail.com

  21. I see that I am too late to be in the first 20 – bummer – I will still go check out smashwords! It sounds like my kind of story! Thanks!

  22. Debra T says:

    I am to late…but if you decide you want another one, I would be more the happy to.


  23. Pamk says:

    I would have loved to do this on my blog but see you have 20 already.

  24. Cynthia Eden says:

    Thanks so much to all those who signed up! I am going to send review copies to everyone listed here. Now I’ll close the review list for the night. Again, thank you!

  25. I just got this last night… I am reading it on the commute today. 🙂

  26. Michelle Cunningham says:


    I recieved an email last night about your giveaway but now I’m wondering if I maybe too late to read/review the ARC of Bound by Blood. If you’re still sending out copies I’d love the opportunity. I’ll post the review on my blog: leafsandbounds.blogspot.com, goodreads and library thing.

    thanks in advance!