October: The month of Pumpkins, Chocolate and Bad Guys Back to Blog

Update: Rebecca’s winner is…Lynn Rush! Congrats, Lynn!

First I’d like to thank Cynthia for letting me play on her blog today! My name is Rebecca Zanetti and I write dark paranormals for Kensington Brava. My debut book, FATED, will be out February 22, 2011.

I love the month of October.  The time when goblins walk among us and the veil slips between reality and the supernatural.  And, well, it’s a time for pumpkins.  Carving them.  Eating the seeds.  Decorating.  Who doesn’t love decorating?  Plus, you have the perfect excusing for toting around those miniature candy bars–in you purse, in your desk, in the car…  It’s October!

This is the best month to write a good paranormal, as far as I’m concerned.  There’s something about writing a bad guy during the month of October. The mist creeps higher off the ground, the clouds hang lower and well…nature crackles. At least where I live. Take the misty picture with the cold looking bench.  Can’t you just see the villian wandering the rough path, thinking about doing evil?

I love a well written bad guy.  But he has to be SO bad you don’t want to root for him. In October, it’s easier to create him. The bad guys in FATED are called Kurjans—pasty faced devils who hate the sun and like to kill. Of course the sexy good guys love the sun and are determined to end the Kurjans. For good.

There’s something about the moon in October.  It’s more mysterious.  Maybe preparing for Halloween like the rest of us.  But if you’re a writer and you want inspiration, look up.  Then imagine who else is looking up.  Probably a bad guy out hunting prey.  Or maybe a goblin or two out looking for treats.  Or possibly a lonely writer trying to create the ultimate bad guy.

November will be here soon.  The mystery of October will disappear until next year while snow blankets the ground.  (At least where I live.)  But for now, the mist is scary and the moon is veiled.  Something howls late at night.  And the bad guys roam.

So, here are a couple of questions:  What makes the ultimate bad guy?  Or, what do you like about October?  I’ll randomly draw the name of one commenter and send a signed coverflat of FATED right away – and then an ARC when I get them.  (I should be receiving ARCs soon, and will send one right out.)  BTW – this will be the first ARC I send out!  🙂

Thanks for reading today!

Rebecca Zanetti has taken her experiences as a lawyer, college professor, Senate Aide, art curator and cocktail waitress, wrapped it all up, and decided to write about vampires and fate.  It all fits together.  Somehow.  Please visit her at: http://www.rebeccazanetti.com/ for more information.

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71 responses to “October: The month of Pumpkins, Chocolate and Bad Guys”

  1. Nikki B says:

    I think that being extremely smart but totally insane is what makes the ultimate bad guy. The worst ones always know a ton more ways to torture people then your average, grab em and beat em type of bad guy.

    I love October b/c here in Ohio the leaves are turning and people are having bonfires. I love that smell. The air is crisp and cool and the kids can still play in the yard. The laughter on the air gets me every time.

    But this is Ohio, so tomorrow it could snow 3 feet..lol…gotta take it while we got it! 🙂

    • Nikki: I’m with you! It may snow here tomorrow, too. You never know. I do love an insane bad guy. Well, I mean, I like to root against the insane bad guy. Usually. 🙂

  2. sue brandes says:

    For me it’s the mystery, the sexiness, the danger, the brooding, & being a smart@ss. I love October cause of Halloween~favorite holiday. Fun to eat the candy. LOL. Decorate and see all the kids coming for Halloween. Also love all the fall colors.

    • Sue: I’m with you on the sexiness and the danger! I agree about the candy–and since it’s October, there’s no guilt about having miniature Crackle bars EVERYWHERE. 🙂

  3. The ultimate bad guy hurts little children and animals and taunts the authorities without getting caught.

  4. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Rebecca! Thanks so much for blogging with me! And an ARC!! I want–wait, am I not eligible?

    For bad guys, I like for them to be sexy…is that wrong?

    • Hi Cynthia! Thanks so much for having me here today! You’re totally eligible for an ARC. 🙂 And I do love a sexy bad guy–like Timothy Olyphant in the newest Die Hard movie. Man, he’s something.

  5. Lucy says:

    What I like about October?
    The leaves on the trees changing color, all the leaves on the streets and in the forest. I love walking in the forest in Autumn.

    Please enter me.

  6. Jillian says:

    Love the pictures- the fog and the moon make me feel the sensuous of the season! As for bad guys (villains), I agree, they need to be evil, evil, evil. Now, as for bad boys that are heroes in disguise, well, that’s a whole ‘nother story, my friend!

    • Awww Jillian, I totally agree. Bad boys who are heroes in disguise, well then. Meow. And to see the right heroine redeem that guy… 🙂 (Kind of. We never want him COMPLETELY redeemed. Nope.)

  7. Connie T says:

    The Ultimate bad guy? Hmmmm… a psycho I think.

    I’ll probably get spanked for this but Oct/Nov are not my favorite months. I’m a summer girl and Oct/Nov are the first two cold months. Not ready for that yet. LOL!

    Connie T
    bookbrat at att dot net

  8. Leagh Christensen says:

    I think the ultimate bad guys are the computer geeks who are extremely intelligent.

    My favorite part of October is the colors outside.

  9. Sayde Grace says:

    My favorite part of October? College Football!! Roll TIde Baby! And my ulimate villian? The coach of the other team playing against Alabama on any given Saturday during football season!

    • Hi Sayde! One of the coolest things about having you for a crit partner is that now I say cool things like…”Roll Tide Baby!” At Pepperdine we didn’t have a football team. But man, those volleyball and polo players were HOT. 🙂

  10. B.R. Paulson says:

    October means we are almost to my favorite holiday – Eatsgiving… I mean Thanksgiving. Right…
    My favorite thing in a bad guy is the sensitive guy longing to do something noble hidden underneath his tight jeans and lickable pecs… a little chest hair and a strong jawline and I’ll take him with or without the secret sweetness!
    hmmm.. or covered in Chocolate! Yeah, chocolate!
    Looking forward to your release, Ms. Zanetti! Congrats! It’s well deserved!

    • B.R. Paulson says:

      and the ultimate bad guy is the one that is so bad, yet he makes you root for him and then turns on you (the reader) and laughs for your sensibilities and idiocy in rooting for him… what a beep!

    • Hi Bonnie! You’ve combined so many goodies in one post. Tight jeans, strong jawline, chocolate…I’m with you! Thanks for popping by today. 🙂

  11. Chris Bailey says:

    The baddest of the bad guys seduces the heroine with his sensitivity, and then uses what she’s revealed about herself to hurt her.

  12. Trish Dechant says:

    My favorite thing about Ocotober is a double-edged sword for me: the falling of the leaves…somebody has to rake up the suckers, but they are so damn pretty. All the oranges,reds,greens, and the something-in-betweens.
    The ultimate bad guy for me is someone who is heartless, cold, unfeeling and falls because of his evil ambitions…You love to hate him, you want to maim him, cut off his gonads and shove them down his throat. My ultimate bad guy was in “Pillars of the Earth”, William Hamleigh…who dies a violent death, but not violent enough in my book–
    Trish Dechant

    • Hi Trish – I agree about your ultimate bad guy! The way he ends needs to be proportional to the way he lived… And the raking of the leaves. Yep. I’m with you one that one, too. 🙂

  13. Viki says:

    My bad guy has to have no redeeming qualities. Sort of like that awful creep in Cheyenne McCray’s No Werewolves Allowed. Someone that awful is my ultimate bad guy.
    As for October – I too live in OH and the leaves have been beautiful this year. I also love the change in temperature – I’m a cold weather girl :). Let’s just hope it doesn’t snow on Halloween like it did a couple years ago.

    • Hi Viki! We’ve had snow here on Halloween before, too. And I’m not quite ready for it this year. Good ultimate bad guy! You don’t even want him redeemed, just destroyed. 🙂

  14. desiree says:

    The bad boy does not care what others think. He says and does what he wants regardless of what happens. He is secretly sensitive and does heroic things that he does not take or want credit for doing. He looks sexy in tight jeans and shirtless and anything else I can come up with.
    October brings chocolate chocolate and more chocolate. I get to raid the trick or treat bags for what I want before my kids get any. I call it checking it all to make sure it is safe job.

  15. Debbie says:

    Love the pictures!!! October is colorful, mysterious, and crisp!! Ultimate bad boy– Strength & Danger and of course strong hands….

  16. Lynn Rush says:

    The ultimate bad guy? Ohhhh. I’d say one that doesn’t have a redeeming quality. You know? Like, when it’s his turn to be on the page I’m reading, I just wanna scream and I hope the hero kills him painfully….that’s my idea of the ultimate bad guy. Big, strong, mean, and relentless.

    Ohhh. I hope my name is picked for the signed Fated arc. That’d be all kinds of awesome!

    Have a great day.

  17. Colleen says:

    Congrats on your upcoming debut!!!
    October is my fav month and I love love love Fall! The colors, the cooler weather, Halloween! 😀

  18. Valerie says:

    I love October too. The changing colour of the leaves. The red skies. The chilly mornings. It’s great when it’s cold outside, but the sun still shines for a bit and has a little strength so that you feel and hope for a bit of warmer weather…hehe!!!

    in Germany

  19. Barbara Elness says:

    I think the ultimate bad guy is someone that has no redeeming qualities, has no remorse or tender feelings for anyone, and when the hero defeats him, you’re screaming “Yeah, give him what he deserves.”
    October is one of my favorite times of year because coming from a warm state, things finally start cooling down and Halloween comes along with all the awesome decorations and fun.

    • Hi Barbara! I agree about the decorations–I LOVE decorating for Fall. And the lack of remorse in a bad guy, definitely a good point. Thanks for commenting! 🙂

  20. Donna S says:

    Thanks for sharing! I love when the weather starts getting cooler and the humidity is finally fading away. Then the colors start changing and everything just gets a little cozier.

    • Hi Donna. Cozier–yeah! That’s the word. I love how cozy it gets when it’s cold outside, warm inside, yet the trees are changing colors. Thanks for dropping by today!

  21. Melanie S. says:

    we are talking about the ultimate ‘bad’ guy in romances, yes? if so, he has to be sexy and full of secrets… the best example for the ultimate bad guy are Anne Stuarts ‘heroes’…
    greetings, Melanie

  22. Stephanie M says:

    I like October because it is the first time Florida is not in the 90s.

  23. Chelsea B. says:

    I think what makes the ultimate bad guy is his unforgivable, unapologetic, and all-around bad guy-ness 8)
    And what I love about October is the weather! No more sweating! Whoo!

    • Hi Chelsea! I agree. October is the perfect time to jog outside. Okay, I mean walk really fast outside. Or, rather just lope along and enjoy the scenery. 🙂 I thought about jogging earlier, but…the walk was nice.

  24. Cynthia Andersen says:

    I think it’s a bad guy that you don’t know at first IS a bad guy. He may seem strong and supportive at first and then clingy and then, maybe even homicidal. But you couldn’t tell that this guy was going to turn on you.

  25. Audrey A says:

    I love the first chill in the air. Especially since I live in a very hot place, so when the weather starts cooling off it’s soooooo much nicer.

    I think that the ultimate bad guy hides in plain sight and then he goes after the people you care about the most just to get to you.

  26. Great post Rebecca! I was watching the moon last night. I love the crisp clear weather we have right now, mostly because it makes the starts come out at night. So, the ultimate bad guy—strong, sexy, sensual—in other words HOT. One that makes the heroin feel like a bad girl when she’s with him, and if he’s the villain of the novel, one that makes you think he could be a good guy but through the way he manipulates every one else ultimately ends up being all bad. I think all villains (and bad guys) are more believable if there is a strong motivation for the evil they do. You may not think it’s right to perform the actions that they do, but you can see why they are doing it and if you were just a little bit more corrupted yourself, and it was a really bad week, and you had major PMS, you could maybe do it too.

    • Hi Asa! Thanks for dropping by today! I agree about the motivation of a bad guy…it’s so much more interesting if you can kind of understand why he does what he does. I don’t mean condone it, but at least understand. Excellent point!

  27. Barb P says:

    OMG, I just love October! The changing of the leaves and the temps ( or at least around here )and of course the start of the holiday season, or should I say Halloween. Halloween is my fav holiday, and of course we do it up big at my house. One other thing to add is all of the pumpkin bake goods etc, YUUUMMMMMMM! Really looking forward to the release of your new series, it sounds fantastic.

  28. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! My muse definitely thrives when the wind finally bites into your skin and makes you shiver. What makes the ultimate bad guy? I think the sneaky one. The one who you tricks you into thinking he’s a good guy…and then he betrays you at the last minute. And of course, at the end the author kills him or leaves him suffering even worse than he made you feel when he betrayed you!

    • Hi Maeve! There’s nothing like a sneaky bad guy…especially if you have no clue he’s the bad guy. I agree about making him suffer–that’s part of the fun of being a writer. 🙂

  29. Edie Ramer says:

    I’m with Cynthia. The ultimate bad guy has to be sexy and smart. I like it if there’s a reason they’re twisted. They need to believe that they’re right and the others are wrong.

    Of course, if someone is a great writer, I can believe anything she writes.

    • Hi Edie! The psychological aspects of doing bad are so good to read about, aren’t they? Make the guy sexy and smart…and I love it! Thanks for commenting today.

  30. Diane Sadler says:

    What do I like about October? The freshness of the air, the vivid colors everywhere, the coolness for sleeping and even the rain when it’s not torrential.
    Good luck with your new release!

    • Thanks, Diane! I love the rain, too. For some reason, give me the rain and a pair of comfy socks and I can’t stop writing. Thanks for dropping by today! 🙂

  31. Justine R. says:

    The Ultimate Bad Guy is a guy with such a horrible past that he has to take it out on the world until a woman comes along and saves his black soul. (I fall for the evil villains…like all the time. Sometimes I, uh, actually, erm, cheer for them. Don’t get me wrong, I love heroes, but villians…they’re the Ultimate Bad Guy. How can that not make your heart pound?)

  32. Katie Petrie says:

    Hmmm….what makes an Ultimate Bad Guy? Okay, I’ll say it…A Nice Butt!!! Thank you and Good Night.

  33. cories5 says:

    I like to think that even the ultimate bad guy would still have something redeemable about him, even if it’s buried under lots and lots of stuff. Give him a hot body to lure in the unsuspecting women, all the better. Bwahahaha!

    October is the time of year when autumn is really here and winter is just around the corner. I end up making a lot of broth and soups (just love to have something simmering on the stove).

  34. CatsMeow says:

    My ultimate bad boy MUST have a great sense of humor, but in a devilish manner. They may come off tough and BAD, but down deep there is a vulnerability one can’t help but love.
    As far as October… I love it because, finally, finally the temps begin to dip a little. Lived here in Arizona almost all my life and all I seem to look forward to all summer is October. I am so jealous of many of the above comments, because you have the changing colors and snow… real seasons.
    Anyway, congrats on your coming new release. Good luck with it.

  35. […] this week I blogged for Cynthia Eden on Monday about October and Bad Guys.  If you haven’t read her newest book, DEADLY FEAR, you really should.  It’s excellent and I […]