A Tale of Two Demon Slayers–Deadly Fun with Angie Fox Back to Blog


Update:  Angie’s winner is…Mariska! Congrats, Mariska!

Hi, my name is Angie Fox and I write a series about a preschool teacher turned demon slayer who has to run off with her grandmother’s gang of geriatric biker witches. But what cracks me up is that nobody ever asks me about that.

Biker witches? Sure! Demon slaying preschool teachers? Why not? What readers most want to know is why the hero of the books, Dimitri, is a shapeshifting griffin.

My answer is always – why not? Don’t get me wrong – I love werewolves and vampires and all kinds of heroes. But frankly, I’m surprised we don’t see more griffins in paranormal books.

Aside from being sexy as all get out, griffins are known to be loyal, intense and strong. Griffins were even a symbol of marriage in the Medieval church because they mate for life. I can’t think of a better quality for a hero to have. And while griffins may not be your classic Alpha “my way or the highway” type of guys, they are tough and absolutely willing to leap tall mountains (literally) for the women they love.

In honor of Dimitri, and griffins everywhere, I’m giving away a copy of my latest book, A Tale of Two Demon Slayers. Just tell us the one quality you think a hero has to have. One random commenter will win a signed book!


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32 responses to “A Tale of Two Demon Slayers–Deadly Fun with Angie Fox”

  1. Valerie says:

    Oh, I’ve read this and it is really, really good. I enjoyed it a lot!!!!

    There is going to be one lucky and happy winner!!!!

    in Germany

  2. Nancy Gilliland says:

    I have read all three of the demon slayer books-my DIL walked off with them, and I haven’t gotten them back yet!! I love Angie’s books, because they make me laugh, and we need more fun books out there.

  3. Diane Sadler says:

    One random quality? Loyal to the end. But wait… absolutely gorgeous. Hang on… Make you feel like you’re the only one in the universe.

  4. I love the premise! That is going on my Buy List. I must see how a preschool teacher – someone I think of as sweet and innocent and gentle – can turn into a tough demon slayer.

  5. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Angie! Thanks for posting today! And I love your griffin hero. 🙂

  6. Jean P says:

    I haven’t read your books, but I did read the chapters on your webpage. They sound absolutely delightful. I can’t wait to read them all.
    A quality for me would be loyality

  7. Heather says:

    1. Quality in a hero – selflessness

    2. I love, love, love, love, love these books! Pirate is a hoot, and Dimitri is a hottie! I can’t wait for the next book!

  8. Viki says:

    A hero must be willing to act without thought for his/her own well being. And he/she must be loyal.
    Great post. Going to check out Angie’s work.

  9. CrystalGB says:

    I have read the first two books in your series and loved them. I think a hero should be strong and do anything for the one’s he loves.

  10. Colleen says:

    One quality a hero must have… hmmm… to be there when he is needed!

  11. Ali says:

    Hi Angie 🙂
    I’ve read your books and a couple others with griffin heroes… now that I think about it, there should be more 🙂

    What I love in a hero is a strong Alpha, someone who is loyal, and honest with himself.

  12. Chelsea B. says:

    Hi, your series looks like bunches of fun!
    And I would say loyalty 🙂

  13. LSUReader says:

    Just one quality? Intelligence.

  14. Chris says:

    Angie, I loved book 1 and can’t wait to read on! for me a man has to share his feelings 🙂

  15. Jane says:

    I would say honor. I loved “A Tale of Two Demon Slayers,” too.

  16. Judy Cox says:

    This really sounds like a very good read!! A hero should always stay strong and be trustworthy!! Never would of thought of the griffin, but I think they make good heroes.

  17. Barbara Elness says:

    I think the one quality I’d look for in a hero is that he be faithful.
    It would be fabulous to win a copy of the latest book in your Demon Slayer series.

  18. Quilt Lady says:

    Hi Angie, I love your books and I can’t wait to get this one. I heard it was really good!

  19. stephenia says:

    i’ve never even heard of griffins – thanks for enlightening me, they definately sound interesting. Hero qualities – faithful, one woman kind of guys

  20. stephenia says:


  21. cories says:

    Griffins, okay, but I draw the line at basilisks (no gazing into his eyes). 🙂

    Aside from strength of character, loyalty, honesty, good health and teeth, etc., what I like in a hero is a good sense of humor. That way, any bad parts of life can be handled with a bit less stress which is sometimes all one needs (or can get).

  22. CatsMeow says:

    Hi Angie, The number one requirement for my hero is a great sense of humor, one that comes naturally and shows in his eyes. Thanks for this opportunity. c.

  23. I would say loyalty.

  24. Ina says:

    Hi Angie!
    I love it when the heroes have humor!
    book 1 and 2 are already on my bookshelf, but I hadn’t had the time to read them yet… nonetheless I will keep buying your books *gg*
    greetings, Ina

  25. Angie Fox says:

    I love all of these answers. To me, loyalty is big – to know a man is going to be there through thick and thin. And that’s actually how I started thinking about a griffin hero. He’s looking for something he can believe in and a heroine who can earn his loyalty and trust.

    Thanks to everyone who is enjoying the series. These books are so much fun to write!

  26. Tracey D says:

    He puts others safety and welfare before his.

    A quick wit and humor aren’t bad either!

  27. A hero, first and foremost, must put others before himself!
    It’s good if he’s a hottie too! lol

  28. Mariska says:

    HI Angie ! I’ve been following you around the blogs, to get my chance to win your books ! I would really really like to read them 🙂

    For Me A Hero, Has to be SMART !

  29. Edie says:

    I almost missed this blog. My Google Reader let me down. I’d be really sorry, because your griffin hero sounds like my kind of guy. I have a long list of qualities, but if I can only pick two, I’ll say someone who’s there for the heroine — like your guy. 🙂 The second one is tough. I’m torn between humor and kindness, but I’ll go with humor.

  30. JenM says:

    I never really thought of a griffin as a lead character before – I’ll have to check this out. The one quality that I think a hero has to have is to be willing to recognize, admit to, and learn from his experiences and mistakes.

  31. iokio says:

    Hope I’m not to late on this.. Loved the first 2 books & would do a happy dance if I won Tale of 2 Demon Slayers.
    A Hero has to be courageous. He can be afraid, but still face the fear. Doesn’t hurt for him to be hot either..lol
    Thanks for giving everyone a chance to win. good luck all.

  32. Sue Brandes says:

    I would say loyality is a must.
    I have wanted to read your books. Have heard good things about them.