Thank You Back to Blog

So it’s a week before Thanksgiving, and, yesterday, I started making up my list of all the things I’m thankful for in this big world of ours.

And in response to the list I created, I realized I needed to send out a thank you note to my readers–because I am incredibly thankful for all of you.

To all my readers–thank you. Thank you for reading my books. Thank you for writing to tell me when you enjoy my characters, when you want to see more of a certain character. Thank you for telling your friends about my books. Thank you for letting the laundry pile for a bit so you can read about Niol. Thank you so much!

When I receive an email or a note from a reader–seriously, it makes my day. I love that people care enough about my books to contact me or to visit this little blog of mine to see what stories are coming up next!

Writing is a dream I’ve had since I was a kid, and now, I’m living my dream…but only because of readers. So thank you for the support. Thank you for exploring the worlds that I create.

And I hope you have a really awesome day, too. 🙂

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10 responses to “Thank You”

  1. Willa says:

    Tis your own fault – for creating such gorgeous heroes (Colin 😉 ) and great heroines too!


  2. Edie says:

    Ditto what Willa said. LOL I love it that you’re living your dream.

  3. Sherry says:

    Thanks Cindy! You’re great! And I have to say that I’m partial to Niol.

  4. Brandy says:

    Thank YOU for writing such characters that make it possible to escape into a delightful fantasy for a while.

  5. Barb P says:

    Hi Cynthia! All I have to say is, it was my pleasure. I love all of your books and characters. You keep writing and I’ll keep on reading.

  6. CatsMeow says:

    Thank you Cynthia for sharing your wonderful talent with us. You do a great job keeping us entertained with every word you write.

  7. Diane Sadler says:

    Thank you for the great books; without writers like you what would we do?

  8. Liz Kreger says:

    What’s not to like about your books, Cyn? The characters are wonderful, the world building riveting and the storyline fascinating.

    So glad you’re able to live your dream. You’ve worked for it and deserve it. Just keep writin’.

  9. Cynthia Eden says:

    I love you, ladies. Thank you. 🙂

  10. Nancy Gilliland says:

    I want to thank you for your wonderful writng. I just finished Midnight Sins and loved it. And thanks for all your fun months of events with cool prizes and great interviews. I tell all my reading friends that Cynthia Eden really rocks!