Evil Among Us Back to Blog

Hi everyone!  Thanks so much to Cynthia for having me on her awesome Month of Monsters.   Fall and Halloween are so much fun.  I love decorating for Halloween and buying my kiddos costumes.  However, there’s something about the month of October that brings out the monsters.  Or maybe we just see more of them? 🙂

There’s always some type of villain in books.  In my upcoming Dark Sword series from St. Martin’s Press this December, my villain is not just a bad person.  She is the epitome of evil.  She is a Druid who wants power.  Lots of it actually.  So, she willingly gives herself over to black magic by doing a forbidden ceremony where Satan takes part of her soul in exchange for that power.

There are a lot of bad people out in the world, but how many of them would have the guts to willingly make that kind of deal with the devil?  I’m not sure I’d want to meet up with that person. 🙂  However, my Highland heroes in this series have no choice but to battle against my villainess or watch her evil spread over the land.

Want a chance to win Mutual Desire?  All you have to do is answer this: What would you do to battle evil?

Here’s hoping you don’t meet any real monsters this October!


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27 responses to “Evil Among Us”

  1. Jody F. says:

    Well, I would make sure to have a kick-butt team of fighters behind me. I’d have a witch for her handy spells, a vamp and werewolf for their super strength, and maybe even a priest who knows alot of Latin (since the bad demons usually speak in Latin). And then I’d make sure to drink a bunch of caffeine to be hyped up to fight for a long time.

  2. Pamk says:

    whatever I had to too. Evil shouldn’t be allowed to exist and needs to be eradicated.

  3. Danny says:

    I would need some special gifts and abilities like shapeshanging, magic and maybe second sight etc.

  4. RKCharron says:

    Hi Cynthia & Donna 🙂
    Thanks for the great guest post today Donna.
    Your villainess sounds great!
    I would do anything to fight evil except sacrifice my family.
    All the best,

  5. guest says:

    Wow! Some great ideas so far. Keep them coming. 🙂


  6. elaing8 says:

    I certainly couldn’t do it on my own.I’d need alot of help,I’d get together the best people I could find.I think a witch would be the best choice but really anyone else who wanted to fight with me.

  7. Valerie says:

    Yep, definitely need some help. A hunk of a shapeshifter, a hunk of a vamp, a hunk of a wizard….yeah, surround me with hunks and I’m ready to battle evil!!!!!

    And of course, there would be that special hunk, just for me and together we’d be invincible!!!!

    in Germany

  8. Barb P says:

    You know, I think we all do something to battle evil everyday, by trying to do the right thing. Of course it wouldn’t hurt to have the hunky guy, the powers etc. to help things along ( Know what I mean? ) ** Grin ** . Have a great weekend!

  9. Cheryl McInnis says:

    What a great post Donna! Hmm, I’d like to think that I’d buckle down and do whatever is necessary to fight evil, even if it cost me my life. Thankfully, there are lots of brave and amazing people in our world who are willing to do just that!

  10. Linda Henderson says:

    I would fight evil with justice. A sword,knife,gun and some strong men (or women) wouldn’t hurt either.

  11. Lori T says:

    Great post Donna! I would do whatever it takes to fight evil, but I know that I would definitely need some help.

    Mutual Desire sounds very interesting.

  12. Michele says:

    Hmmm, what would I do to battle evil? I guess it would depend on what evil I’m battling on what I would do or use. I would probably like to be able to shapeshift to fight my type of evil 😀

    Thanks for stopping by Donna! I have never read any of your work but definitely interested 🙂 I checked out your website and you have a series that look good, Sisters of Magic.

  13. Angela says:

    I would use magic to fight evil. Get myself a really good spell and vaquish it 😀

    I went on your website and saw that MUTUAL DESIRE is fourth in your Fantasy Series. Do I need to read the prior three before reading MUTUAL DESIRE?

  14. Amy says:

    I would probably use what others are saying, magic. Put some kind of spell around myself to protect myself then do battle 😀

  15. Sarah Ulfers says:

    I would do what to me seems the most difficult yet simple.Stand to fight.To me that is one of the most courageous thing a person can do.

  16. Diane Sadler says:

    Hi to both of you. Your book sounds great Donna.
    What would I do?
    Everything within my power to fight evil and protect my family.They come first.

  17. CatsMeow says:

    Hi Donna, I loved your post and had to visit your site to read more excerpts. Do they sound yummy. Nothing like Alpha Highlanders to battle evil.
    I’ve put your Druids Glen and the Dark Sword Series on my TBB list. They sound right up my alley.

  18. Darkreade says:

    I would have to have my own paranormal advantage like being precog or telepathic. I also have to have my very own shapeshifter (werecat prefered). Let the battle begin and we can kick evils @$$.

    Your book sounds great can’t wait to check it out.

  19. Allie says:

    I think to battle evil, one must be like the little old ladies in the play Arsenic and Old Lace–be unsuspecting, lure the bad guy in with sugar and kindness and then do him in with a nice cup of tea! Perhaps arsenic won’t work on the devil, so first I’d have to learn what hurts him, then sweetly lure him in and use it. My mother always said you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar! In my recent release NO FEAR, I made salt–basic table sale painful to vampires, and the salt shaker was easy to grab! So keep it simple. Of course a rocket launcher wouldn’t be bad to have, either! Do you remember that episode of Buffy where there was an evil monster and the legend said it couldn’t be killed by any weapon yet forced? Well, that legend was written hundreds of years ago, and Buffy figured out we had finally forged a weapon to kill it–a rocket launcher! It worked well. But of course, they had to lure it out into the open–bring out the honey!

  20. Lyoness2009 says:

    Kick it in the crotch. 🙂 Simple…and effective 🙂

  21. Nancy Gilliland says:

    Could not battle evil on my own: wish I could. I’d gather a group of strong and selfless heroes to help: shifters, angels, witches, wizards, good vamps and demons. Throw in some elves and others, and we’d become unbeatable.

  22. stacey smith says:

    What would I do toBattle Evil?I would do evry thing I could to fight Evil and Save Good live’s give all I could to my last Breath to save people that needed saving from evil.

  23. Karin says:

    I would do whatever was necessary to battle evil. I’d gather people around me who would be able to help me in that battle so I wouldn’t have to do it alone.

  24. Donna Grant says:

    Thanks for all the wonderful replies, everyone!

    Michele – Thx for the interest in my Sisters of Magic trilogy. That was such a fun trilogy to write. My favorite is the third book. 🙂

    Angela – You don’t need to read the first three books to read MUTUAL DESIRE. There’s only one novella in MUTUAL DESIRE (the second novella) that connects to the other stories, but you’ll be just find reading it as a stand alone.

    CatsMeow – Thank you for putting the two series on your TBB lost. I hope you enjoy them!

    Some really awesome answers. Keep them coming. I’ll pick a winner tomorrow morning.


  25. Minna says:

    Definitely magic!

  26. Donna Grant says:

    Hey, everyone!

    Sorry. I meant to come pick a winner this morning, but I got to working on my book and got sucked in. 🙂

    Anyway, the winner is…DARKREADE!

    Congrats! Please email me (donna@donnagrant.com) with your snail mail address so I can get your book to you.

    Thanks again everyone!
