Month of Monsters guest Leanna Renee Hieber Back to Blog

Winner! The winner of a signed copy of THE STRANGELY BEAUTIFUL TALE OF MISS PERCY PARKER is…Hales! Congrats, Hales!

Hey friends! I’m thrilled to be back here at Cynthia’s place, where it’s always a lovely time. Thanks for the opportunity, Cynthia! I loved our chat about Demons earlier this year, now I’m thrilled to be talking about yet another delightful topic. Monsters.

I get so excited to talk about anything associated with Paranormal, every time I become even more of a fan of the genre I’ve always adored, and I continually appreciate just how much fun it is to write. And it’s true. Monsters, especially, are fun. It’s most fun to come up with the particulars that make a monster what it is; how protagonists must deal with the problems it creates, and how to get around the creature, use it to their advantage, or to best or outsmart it. Of course sometimes monsters might work for the good guys, I don’t want to discriminate J. When monsters show up in a Paranormal, it’s a great opportunity for world-building – especially if it’s one that the characters are previously unfamiliar with. That’s one of my favourite moments in story-telling, the first reveal of a major paranormal element.

strangelybeautifulHere’s a brief insight into the first of my Strangely Beautiful series. From the back cover of The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker:

“What fortune awaited sweet, timid Percy Parker at Athens Academy? Considering how few of Queen Victoria’s Londoners knew of it, the great Romanesque fortress was dreadfully imposing, and little could Percy guess what lay inside. She had never met the powerful and mysterious Professor Alexi Rychman, knew nothing of the growing shadow, the Ripper and other supernatural terrors against which his coterie stood guard. She knew simply that she was different, haunted, with her snow-white hair, pearlescent skin and uncanny gifts. But this arched stone doorway offered a portal to a new life, an education far from the convent—and an invitation to an intimate yet dangerous dance at the threshold of life and death…”

So here’s the first appearance of my heretofore unseen monster in The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker:

An infernal thing the likes of which The Guard had never seen passed through the structure of La Belle et La Bête and descended upon their table. Snarling horrific, snapping teeth in their faces and shredding tablecloths, the abomination was a huge cloud of black smog that became one dog and then one hundred, a chimerical, shifting creature that was at first incorporeal and could pass through walls, but which then flickered into something deadly with claws, jaws and horrible red eyes. In the next moment it became a cloud again, impossible to catch.

“What in God’s name is this?” Rebecca shrieked, scooping up her wool skirts as she spun and dashed to the door, her companions following. “Josie, Miss Linden’s upstairs. We’ll not test her with a thing such as this. Have her lock herself in!”

Josephine raced upstairs. Elijah backed down the alley outside, staring at the demon cloud with horrified fascination as it followed, floating at the level of their heads and taking up nearly the entire width of the alley with its bulky canine body and flickering profusion of heads. It hunched forward, ready to attack.

Michael took Rebecca’s hand on one side, and Jane took the other. A powerful wind whipped around them. Josephine, having bade Miss Linden stay within, swiftly joined their ranks. She took Michael’s left hand. “Elijah, come,” Rebecca commanded.

The beast lunged, but Withersby ducked out of the way. “Please tell me this is just the Black Dog of Newgate,” he exclaimed, joining his friends in their circle of clasped hands. London’s most gruesome tale of spectral revenge was much less horrifying than entertaining thoughts of a whole new breed.

Rebecca shook her head. “No,” she replied. “We’ve never seen this.”

The dog whipped around to face them, snarling. But as it prepared its next attack, Rebecca shouted a command in the ancient language of The Guard. The hellish thing cocked its head, opened its many maws wide and jumped—only to disperse at the last moment into a grey mist and pass through them.

(End of Excerpt)

YOUR TURN: Do tell: I want to know what gets you all excited – or nervous – about monsters! What’s your favourite monster of all time?

(And, of course, because I love giveaways, one commenter will win a signed copy of The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker!)


Leanna Renee Hieber

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50 responses to “Month of Monsters guest Leanna Renee Hieber”

  1. Theresa N says:

    I’m hooked…what happened? 🙂 My monster is Medusa. I hate snakes and the thought of them on her head…well enough said.
    Theresa N

  2. Danica Avet says:

    I’d like to say I’m not really scared of monsters in the traditional sense. It’s the human sociopaths who make me freak out. I mean, you can expect a monster to have issues…its a monster for crying out loud. They’re probably deformed or grotesque or something. But for people to be so cold and calculating is a major freak out for me.

    However, since we’re talking ‘monsters’, I’d have to say it would be the demon who possessed Regan in The Exorcist. I know, this is like the 2nd time I’ve brought The Exorcist up, but that stuff was crazy scary! Still makes me shiver

  3. Guest Author says:

    Awesome, thanks. And as for what happens… The puppy there gets worse before he gets a good talking to in the great cataclysm of the book’s finale. 🙂 And it’s so awesome that you love Medusa – enough said indeed. You need to read my book, you’ll understand why- I’ve put a great deal of Greek Mythology into the Strangely Beautiful series, the supernatural aspects have a Mythological tie. 🙂 Thanks for commenting!

    Great point, I think “Monsters” can be fun, but rather sociopaths, not fun- for exactly the reasons why you said, that cold calculation is truly terrifying. And goodness yes the Exorcist is worth bringing up again and again – it’s such a formative part of what I think of when I think “scary” – which is why I had to put an exorcism scene into The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker. 🙂

  4. Nancy Gilliland says:

    My favorite “monster” is and always has been the original Frankenstein monster from the movies (the Boris Karloff version) he was the “monster” but when he gave the little blind girl the flower, you knew he wasn’t really all bad.

  5. Minna says:

    My favorite monster is Angel from the series Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and Angel.

  6. CrystalGB says:

    My favorite monster is Frankenstein’s monster.

  7. Sherry says:

    I love all monsters. I’m a Halloween nut. Love it. I’m not sure I can single out a favorite monster but I’ll give it a whirl- Maybe the creature from the black lagoon. He really is quite sexy- I know that sounds weird but watch the 1954 version and you’ll see. He moves with a sensual grace.
    And as for mythological monsters – would you have wanted to meet the cyclops? Or the Kracken? YIPES!

  8. Edie says:

    I love that excerpt! I’m re-reading your book now, more slowly than the first time, relishing the writing. 🙂

    My favorite monsters are the ones with a heart. Like King Kong, who really loved the girl. The scariest monsters can be people, in fiction and real life.

  9. LaDonna says:

    I love the title of your book, Leanna! The monsters that freak me out are the nut cases walking among us. 👿 I wish they had flashing red lights above their heads or something to warn the unsuspecting. On a lighter note, I’m a huge fan of Shriek! He could eat dinner with me anytime; my grandkids would love it!

  10. Paula says:

    It’s interesting when monsters aren’t purely manifestations of evil, but their actions have reasons. Breaking out of black and white thinking is partly why I like paranormal/UF genre where humans and “monsters” (different from human but not necessarily evil) mingle.

    My favorite monster is currently kitsune. The werewolf is also a classic, but I’d be more nervous to to meet a major demon or a nasty ghost.

  11. Melissa says:

    I have to say at this moment B.O.B. is my favorite monster. He’s a riot, and I loved that movie, lol.

    But over all, It’d be Frankenstein. In all his incantations….w/ Herman Munster being my favorite!!

  12. Susan says:

    Awesome excerpt!

    I’m not sure I have a favorite monster, all are scary in their own way, but when I watched the Terminator I realized that no matter what, he would track you down. I actually had a nightmare that night after watching it!

  13. Marci says:

    Favorite monster that scares me: The monster under my bed when I was little girl
    Favorite cute monster: Sulley from Monsters, Inc

  14. Nancy,
    I have a postcard of that Frankenstein moment – love it.

    Angel. *sigh* Yum.

    I shall now see the Black Lagoon entirely differently. So right about the Mythological monsters – tres scary!

    *blush* Wow, thanks!
    And I could not agree more – King Kong breaks my heart.

    You’re echoing a similar sentiment as many people, it isn’t “monsters” that are as scary as people who act like one… I like the flashing light idea, would be fair warning.

    What a great point. That’s one of the many reasons why I love our genre. In my books the many ghosts I feature can be malevolent but more often than not they are friendly and quite dear and add a lot to the human characters.

    Melissa, between you and Nancy and Crystal, we have a big Frankenstein vote here – awesome! Well, obviously, I approve seeing as I’m a huge fan of the book – all the 19th Century “paranormal” books are huge inspirations for me!

    Thanks! Yes, totally, the Terminator is freaky.

    Oh, yes, our very own Monsters are the scariest. Oh, and cute Monsters are the best, like the ones from Sesame Street.

    OH! And I forgot to mention my favourite monster! And by favourite I mean SCARIEST EVER! The Alien from “Alien” – STILL terrifies me. Badly.

  15. Cynthia Eden says:

    Leanna, I am so happy to have you back! 🙂 And what a great excerpt!

  16. Minna says:

    Here’s some fun Angel stuff I found on Youtube:
    ANGEL – Die Another Day [David Boreanaz]

    ANGEL – Love Song For A Vampire [David Boreanaz] … re=related

  17. elaing8 says:

    I like the monsters on Monsters INC. 🙂 but all time favorite I’d say Frankenstein.
    especially in the Marty Feldman and Gene Wilder movie Young Frankenstein.

  18. Valerie says:

    Great excerpt!!! I’m loving this theme and yes, there are some real monsters who walk among us who are really creepy.

    But, like many others, I do like Frankenstein and Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I LOVED Dracula 2000….oops, I think I mentioned that in yesterday’s post…hehe!!!

    In Germany

  19. blodeuedd says:

    Fav monster..well can we count the great white shark from Jaws cos that creature made me scared of swimming for a long time, when swimming I still think about it

  20. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Any monster that has a spider’s body and look. * Shudders * Quickest way to spook the heck out of me is bring in a spider. Eeck. You should see me when I played Champions of Narrath and my character had to battle spiders, I was shuddering and squashing the heck otu of them screaming “Die!” Yes I’m terrible

  21. Hales says:

    My monster was my brother lol. He was always putting stuff in my bed. The worst was our two male Iguanas Jerry and Gary…Imagine waking up to that. I’m interested in knowing what happens next though *G* Has to be better than Lizards! Medusa is a bad bad chick.

  22. Jane says:

    After all these years I’m still creeped out by Pinhead. I’d rather deal with something less frightening like

  23. Teresa W. says:

    Paranormals are my favorite genres to read and love reading about vampires!

  24. Liz Kreger says:

    Great excerpt, Leanna. I read “SBTMPP” and enjoyed immensely. Nicely done. Let’s see … I know its all the rage right now, and I’ll probably step on a toe or two, but I just don’t get Zombies. Absolutely nothing appealing about them. As far as a favorite monster – gotta be Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

  25. Werewolves have to be my favorite of all time! I think everyone likes a little scaring!

  26. Jody F. says:

    The monster that makes me the most nervous is that creepy kid (the son of Satan actually) from The Omen (the original version). His eyes alone make my skin crawl. And for a favorite monster–Eric from True Blood. I love his arrogance and snarkiness and he could so bite me anytime he wanted. Heh-heh!

  27. Barb Patrick says:

    Hi Leanna! I have to say that I get all excited about the traditional monsters such as Wolfman, Mummy, Drac etc. but I do not like slasher movies where everything is too close to real life. My favorite paranormals to read are Vamps, Shifters and Demons. Fantastic Post!

  28. Michele says:

    Hi Leanna, thanks for stopping and chatting with us 🙂

    Favorite monster, hmmmm… would have to say the Headless Horseman. Just love the Legend of Sleepy Hollow!!!

  29. RKCharron says:

    Hi Leanna 🙂
    Thank you for sharing today.
    I loved the excerpt.
    Creepiest “monster” is Samara from The Ring.
    I know that Daveigh Chase also did the voice of Lilo in Lilo & Stitch, but she was shiveringly scary in The Ring.
    All the best,

  30. Diane Sadler says:

    Predator: we never knew where he ws, what he was and he kept killing and killing.
    By the way, loved the topic today.

  31. Sue Brandes says:

    Werewolf movies scare me! They make them look so real. LOL. The older vampire movies scare me more than the new ones. I love the Halloween movies, Friday the 13th, & Nightmare on Elm Street movies. I almost like any horror movies. Like in a book you can imagine what they look like. Loved today topic also. Thanks for the contest.

  32. Darkreader says:

    I also love all scary movies.
    Thanks for the contest.

  33. Kris M says:

    I have heard great things about this book.
    demons are my most feared character in movies. never know when your friend will end up possessed by one in the movie.
    But I love paranormal stories, shape-shifters are my favorite subgenre.

  34. Cybercliper says:

    My favorite “monster” is Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He’s a scarred, shunned beast tamed by kindness, willing to risk all for love. I love this “monster” because he’s the perfect romantic hero.

  35. Angela says:

    I would have to say Dracula is my favorite monster 🙂 He is always portrayed as a monster, but all he is looking for is love. Poor guy… he’s just misunderstood.

    Thanks for stopping by Cynthia’s and offering such a great prize 😀

  36. Pamk says:

    the aliens from signs freaked me out. I had to meet them without water being around lol.

  37. Pam Pellini says:

    I’m not so much into scary and monsters. I prefer one who looks like one (as in Beauty and the Beast), but really isn’t.

  38. Judy Cox says:

    I enjoy monster movies and books. I am not really a scary person. Now, when I was young, I was terrified of monsters. The Bogey Man was my biggest fear. I thought he was under the bed and in the closet:)

  39. Pat Cochran says:

    Monsters in my mind = Monsters in my sleep!
    This means no rest awake or asleep!!!

    Pat Cochran

  40. stacey smith says:

    When little it was the Monster under the Bed now that I’m older I think Computers are Going to take over the World is Scary.I know it’s already taken over my life I’m always on it and I know that some times it does thing whit out permission.

  41. Jacqueline L. says:

    Okay, kinda lame but my favourite monsters were always the furry huggable-looking ones on Sesame Street…lol!

  42. Lauren says:

    I have a soft spot for Frankenstein’s monster. He always seems so sad and misunderstood.

  43. Dena says:

    My favorite monsters are the of the fiction kind in between the pages. It’s the real life creepy killers that scare me.

  44. Beverly G says:

    humm fav monster of all time would have to be IT and honestly monters scared the hell out of me as a kid up untill i turned 8 and realized movies were just thata nd that theirs alot scarier out sid ethe tv and book screen now theo the more they scre me the more i love them the unexpected gets me excited and jumpy and thats all i really could say about that

  45. Karin says:

    It’s the superhuman about monsters that both excites me and makes me nervous. It can make them really sexy but also really scary. I don’t know that I have a favorite monster for being exciting and sexy since there are so many of them, but I definitely have a favorite for being scary: Frankenstein’s monster.

  46. Carol Luciano says:

    Loved the excerpt. It’s on my to read list now. Thanks for the contest as well. The scariest Monster I’d have to say wold be Anthony Perkins in Psycho. I had nightmares for years from that movie.
    Carol L.

  47. VIRGINIA C says:

    My favorite monster would be Vincent from “Beauty and the Beast” (TV). He was really kind, gentle and intelligent but when he got upset…watch out! After his monstrous occurrences (though on the side of justice), he felt shame and remorse. He was played to perfection by Ron Perlman. gcwhiskas at aol cot com

  48. JOYE says:

    My favorite monsterr was the old Frankenstein when I was a kid. Oh and wolf-men are scary.

  49. Quilt Lady says:

    I am going to say werewolves are my favorite type of monster! Even in the Twilight series I like the were’s the best for some reason!

  50. Thanks for having me, Cynthia!

    Congratulations Hales!

    I’m loving the other monsters people are throwing into the ring here – and many kudos to those 19th Century monsters we love so well. Dracula remains one of my favourite books of all time. And again, it seems Frankenstein is the crowd winner over all – huzzah for Mary Shelley!

    Thanks Liz – I’m so glad you enjoyed the book!!!

    Oh yeah, Omens = totally creepy and Pennywise from IT, yeah, that messed me up for awhile!

    Jacuqeline – not lame – I *heart* Sesame Street, definately my favourite tv show of all time!

    Thanks, friends for enjoying the excerpts!

    I LOVED that Beauty and the Beast – definately inspired how I think about Paranormal Romance. LOVED the poetry Vincent would read. *swoon*

    Hey friends, for those of you who are True Blood fans and still would like to win a copy of this book or get it on discount, I’m going to be featured on on Oct. 9th, where there’s going to be a coupon code for the book AND a 3 book giveaway, so hop on over!