Very, Very Sad News Back to Blog
I apologize for not posting sooner. I was out of town and am now back on track!
First, as many of you probably have already heard, the romance industry has recently lost one of its most influential members. Kate Duffy, editor extraordinaire at Kensington Publishing, has passed away. I admired Kate more than I can say, and I will miss her (as will so many). Her family will be in my prayers. On Sunday, Sue Grimshaw will post a memorial to Kate on the Borders True Romance blog. Folks are sending in notes about their memories of Kate to be posted on the blog. I sent in my hurricane memory. Yes, I think Kate was stronger than any hurricane.
I can still remember the first time I talked with Kate on the phone. My hands were shaking. 🙂 Because she was Kate Duffy. I thought of her (and many others did, too!) as the Martha Stewart of romance. And when I met her in person–oh, talk about being nervous! But Kate put me at ease right away. A brilliant woman, one with a core of steel. Kate, you are missed.
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I’ve heard her on CDs, but never met her. She seemed like a down-to-earth woman with a great sense or humor and a real joy for her profession. I’m sorry for her passing.
Along with many authors, Kate Duffy’s name is linked with the publishing industry. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.