A message to those who want to write… Back to Blog

Do you think you want to write a book?  If so, then this post is for you.  If you don’t want to be a writer, feel free to ignore the words that follow.

If you are dipping your toes in the writing pool–just getting started on the path to your dream, I think there are a few things you should know:

1. You will get rejected.  VERY rarely do folks sell the first story they wrote to the first editor they submit said story to.  Instead, you’ll find this writing road is bumpy. No, not everyone will love your precious story–and it will suck when you find that out.  But if you love the story, if you love the dream, you’ll keep writing anyway.

2. Some people will quote writing “rules” to you (ex. the hero and heroine must meet in the first 5 pages, you can never use semi-colons in a story, red-headed heroes don’t sell…). Remember that rules are made to be broken. I’ve never once had an editor call me out on any of the so-called rules.

3. Some people will write faster than you. Some will write slower. Some will sell their stories faster. Some will sell slower. You know what? It doesn’t matter what those people do. Focus on yourself and you’ll be just fine.

4. Don’t think that all you have to do is write a great story.  Promotion will soon account for a vast portion of your time–whether you are mailing PR packets, chatting online, attending conferences…Writing is just the beginning.

5. You will meet some absolutely amazing people on your way to publication.  My writer friends are fantastic…and when it comes to readers…seriously, the emails I’ve gotten have made me so happy.  Writing can introduce you to some wonderful people–enjoy them.

6.  Never think that you know everything about the industry.  This industry changes. New trends emerge. Publishing houses shift their focus.  Be ready for anything.

7. Don’t be afraid to take chances.  Try to stretch yourself and try something new with your writing.  You never know where that new-ness will take you!

Anyone else have advice to offer?

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8 responses to “A message to those who want to write…”

  1. Edie says:

    Great advice! All true, especially #5.

  2. Annette says:

    Great advice, Cynthia. I’m discovering the truth about #4 right now. 🙂

    I’d add: Find your own unique voice. It took me a long time to stop trying to be some other writer and just be myself. But that’s when I sold.

  3. Karin says:

    Thanks for the great post, Cynthia!

  4. bethkery says:

    Hi Cindy!

    I was scrolling through google and your post caught my eye. Nicely done. I’m going to give a few people a heads up about your article. Very succinct, to the point…and right on. Number 6 is a big one for me. I just get so confused at times. In other jobs, you get used to the ‘routine’ but the ‘routine’ in publishing is about change and innovation, so…it’s a challenge. Well said, on that item and the rest as well.

  5. Rhonda says:

    Excellent advice, each one so very true.

  6. What an amazing and insightful post. I agree with so much of what you said. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Not many people realize the many things you pointed out.

    Wonderful blog post!

  7. Manda says:

    Wonderful tips, Cindy! You’re so right too about focusing on yourself and your career instead of comparing your progress with someone else’s. It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison game, but really no two writing careers are going to follow the same path. Just keep your eye on your own goals and be happy for your friends and their successes.

    Also agree about the wonderful people:-)

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