Love is Blind…Or Why I Love Superman Back to Blog

The new Superman Returns movie opens this weekend. Yeah, I’ll see it. After all, I’m a huge Superman fan. Loved Lois and Clark, watched all the Christopher Reeve films. Even read a few of the comic books.

Oh, yes, I’m a definite fan.

A few people have complained to me that they don’t like the story of Superman because they don’t like Lois. Not like Lois? The idea seems absurd to me. She’s strong. Funny. Okay, sure, she’s obsessive, but aren’t we all? The general complaint I get is that Lois is supposed to be a hot-shot reporter. The best the Daily Planet has to offer. And this hot-shot can’t figure out that if you take off Clark’s glasses, he’s identical to Superman.

Well, of course, she doesn’t realize that fact! Not at first, anyway. Her failure to recognize the man-of-steel has nothing to do with her reporting skills, however. It has to do with love. At the start of the Superman tale, Lois loves our flying hero, not his alter-ego Clark. So, when she looks at Superman, she sees him differently. In one memorable episode of Lois and Clark, Lois even explains this “different vision” as a sketch artist draws an image of Superman. She complains that the image isn’t right. That the jaw is stronger. The hair not as mousy. The eyes more intense. Without the extra emphasis, the guy in the drawing could be anyone…even Clark.

Lois is blinded by love. She sees her man with the famous rose-colored glasses, and thus, he is, well, super. It is only later when she begins to fully appreciate Clark that she recognizes that he and Superman are one in the same.

And, honestly, haven’t we all been guilty of this blindness at some point? When you first fell in love, didn’t you think your guy was smarter, funnier, or better looking than everyone else? Sure, you might be the only one who saw the fellow that way, but that’s because you were blinded, by love…just like Lois.

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4 responses to “Love is Blind…Or Why I Love Superman”

  1. Michelle says:

    What a wonderful post, Cynthia. And so true.

  2. Patricia says:

    Excellent post and I agree with you. Superman would not be the same without Lois.

  3. Edie says:

    Superman needs Lois, but I never could understand Lois not realizing Clark Kent and Superman are the same person. Unless she’s too interested in looking at the muscles below the neck, revealed by his skintight suit, to pay attention to his face. *g*

    This is the same thing Hollywood does with women. Take down the hair and remove the glasses and suddenly the man realizes she’s sexy. *rolling eyes*

  4. Cynthia Eden says:

    Hi, Michelle and Patricia! Glad you liked the post! I’ve had Superman running through my head since I wrote this thing and now I’m really getting excited about the movie. (I just hope I’m not disappointed!)

    Edie–Yep, he needs her. And hey, the guy does have some nice muscles–they can be distracting (they’ve distracted me more than a few times!). But I’m chalking it up to her love blindness. 🙂