The day before… Back to Blog

Halloween is tomorrow! Ack!  I’m not ready! I’ve got to buy candy, carve pumpkins, have an annual carving contest face-off, and watch more scary movies!

This month passed way too fast for me. Sigh.  So now I can only imagine how quickly Christmas will zoom up on me. The good news? I’m making nice progress on my story.  🙂  I’m looking to finish the rough draft on this one in the next two weeks.  I’ve got an idea (okay, 2) for the next story(stories). One is in this series, about a demon bounty hunter.  The second?  Totally unrelated, but one I’ve wanted to write for some time now.  Luckily for me, 70 Days of Sweat is coming up, and,  I’ve decided I’ll definitely participate in that.  (I saw 70 Days mentioned on the lovely Lauren Dane’s blog yesterday and I knew Sven would be perfect to keep me motivated and focused during the holidays.)

And hey, don’t forget–I’ll launch my SIN A LITTLE contest on Saturday!  Check back for awesomely sexy prizes.

But for now…let’s talk scary movies.  Uh, huh–I’m in a scary frame of mind today.  I’ve been trying to think about the movie I think of as *the* scariest.  When I was a kid, Children of the Corn totally freaked me out.  Poltergeist made me afraid of both fuzzy TV channels and toy clowns.  And, as much as I LOVE my Friday the 13ths and Halloweens, well, they didn’t make me scared–they just kind of entertained in a very gory, slasher fest style.  The Ring didn’t scare me. When the chick crawled out of the TV, I was just kind of like, um, what?   Although, there was one Buffy episode, “Hush” that  creeped me out. Very good–I’d definitely recommend that one.

I don’t know–I’m having some trouble here.  If you’ve got a movie that absolutely scared you, to the extent you couldn’t sleep at night, will you tell me about it?

And, hey–later, I’ll post the carved pumpkins and you can vote for the best one.  The hubby and I love to battle our pumpkins!

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2 responses to “The day before…”

  1. Rhonda says:

    The Shining, I saw it when I was way to young to see it and well it still freaks me out!

  2. Edie says:

    I’m a wimp. I avoid scary movies.