Lisa Renee Jones is a Woman With Bite Back to Blog

Update: Time to announce the winners! The 5 commenters who will get HOT VAMPIRE KISS are…Christie I, Stephanie M, Shadow, Carlyn McKechnie, and Sherie.

I don’t think it’s any surprise that I enjoy vampire romances.  What can I say? I think I’m a vampire addict. And when I found out that Lisa Renee Jones had a new vamp series? Yeah, I was pretty excited.  Here’s a tease of that new series for you…


The werewolf population is entrenched in a century long civil war, and now they are plagued by a virus that is turning wolves into killers. The Brooks brothers pursue one such rogue werewolf to Temple, Texas. It is in Temple that Evan encounters a beautiful nurse named Marissa who instantly melts the hundred years of ice running through his veins. When she is brutally attacked by the wolf, he breaks the rules of the Vampire Council and uses his blood to save her. Now, if he doesn’t kill the wolf by the next full moon, Marissa will become a killer wolf, and he will be sentenced to death.



Book 2, Aiden’s story — Hot Vampire Seduction — out September 12th!
Book 3, Troy’s story — Hot Vampire Touch — out in December of 2011

Want to read HOT VAMPIRE KISS?  Five lucky commenters will win digital copies of HOT VAMPIRE KISS.  Just tell Lisa why you enjoy vamps.  Good luck!



Three hours later, the bar was closed, but Evan had ensured that Marissa lingered in her seat, a drink in front of her. He wasn’t about to allow her to leave without him, and not just because of the wolf he was certain would have her in his sight. No – there was more to his desire to keep Marissa nearby. Plain and simple, he wanted her, and not just physically, though there was no question, she got him hot and hard. He was, after all, a male, a vampire male, with primal, sexual instincts that had him imagining all kinds of wicked ways to make her scream his name. But what really had him by the balls was not the desire she created in him, but the way she’d made him laugh when he’d have sworn it wasn’t possible. The way she’d made him smile when he was certain he had no reason. The way she’d made him realize how empty a century of hunting had made him and he wanted to know why, and how, a woman he barely knew could do such things. The time for discovery, both in and out of bed, was not now though.

He wiped down the counter, working toward closing up the bar, focused on getting Marissa out of here safely. To ensure the wolf didn’t target her, as he normally did the friends and acquaintances of his victims.

All but done with the façade of this night’s bartender duties, he cast a quick, seductive glance at Marissa, making no attempt to tame the primal heat in his stare. She wasn’t for him, he told himself silently. She was a forever kind of girl, and not the kind of forever he could give her. Nevertheless, when she smiled shyly at him, his groin tightened, cock thickening against his zipper, and he knew he wasn’t walking away without fucking her every which way she’d have him.

He tossed the rag down, and rounded the bar, eliminating the counter that had separated them all night, to stand beside her, his hand on the back of her stool. She turned to face him, the scent of her teasing his nostrils, his arm creating an intimate enclosure, trapping her between the counter and his body. She was his in that moment and the idea appealed to him far more than it should. One tilt of his head and his teeth could touch that delicate, pale neck. His lips her lips. His body her body.

She glanced up at him, her long, dark lashes fluttering with a combination of uncertainty and desire, her pupils dilated with the effects of the alcohol she’d consumed.

“You really are…tall,” she whispered.

“And you,” he said, brushing a finger over her chin, “really are beautiful.” And innocent. Too innocent and perfect for the likes of him.

She shivered. “Tall and a smooth talker, I think I should be afraid.” Her palm slid down the bar. “Ouch!” She drew her hand forward, red pooling on her index finger, a splinter of wood sticking out from the red center.

Instant lust fired through Evan as he took the opportunity presented and snatched the splinter away before he drew her finger to his lips. The sweet taste of her blood exploded on his taste buds, filling him with lust, desire — fueling the sexual side of his vampire nature, when he already wanted this woman to the point of white-hot demand. His gums tingled, his recessed cuspids threatening to extend.

His eyes met hers, the scent of her arousal, the taste of her blood, seeping through him with a demand that he claim her, claim satisfaction. Somewhere in the back of the bar a door slammed shut. The sound was a jolt of reality that shook Evan just enough to calm the beast inside him threatening to take control of him, of her.

Slowly his tongue swirled around her finger, and then he released it, inspecting the area where the splinter had been.

“All better,” he said.

A stunned look etched her features. “I was right,” she whispered.

His brows dipped, “Right?”

“When I said I should be afraid of you,” she explained. “Because there is no way that what you just did should not bother me but it…”

He leaned close, sliding his face against hers, his lips near her ear, his mouth far too close to the vein he hungered to puncture — for his own good – most certainly for her own good. And yet, he found himself asking, “Aroused you?”


And here’s the cover for the next great installment:

Don’t forget to comment for you chance to win HOT VAMPIRE KISS (five copies are up for grabs!)

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64 responses to “Lisa Renee Jones is a Woman With Bite”

  1. Ashley A says:

    Oh wow I love that excerpt!! Hot, hot, HOT!! Vamps are so super sexy and dangerous!!
    Ashley A

  2. Patty C says:

    HOT! Can’t wait to read these!
    You can always expect vampires to make your pulse race and wanting more!

  3. infinitieh says:

    I blame Bram Stoker for combining the undead/feeding off humans and sex. Of course, he wasn’t the first what with incubus and succubus in mythology. Still, he’s the one who came out with such a successful book first. And people are still reading and loving vampire stories.

  4. Jacki C. says:

    they are the ultimate tall, “very dark” (soul) and usually very handsome…

  5. Maria (pronounced Mariah) says:

    Vamps were the first paranormal I read so they will always be my favorite. Also, they are so dark and dangerous…supper yummy!

    mmafsmith at gmail dot com

  6. Stephenia says:

    great excerpt, love those hot sexy vampires! Something about them being strong and knowledgeable from their immortality

  7. Christie I. says:

    Loved the excerpt! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  8. Cathy R. says:

    They are so sexy. Love me some vamps!

  9. LadyVampire says:

    I enjoy vampires because they are mysterious, dangerous, passionate, unpredictable, strong, emotional, etc. And all that plus driven by the primal desire to survive.

  10. shadow says:

    This sounds awesome! So hot! Cant wait to read it! Its been added to my wishlist. Thank you!

  11. Diane Sadler says:

    Because they are protective, strong and will love you forever!

  12. Stephanie M says:

    There is always danger around a vampire because they can become volatile or protective very quickly.

    smccar1 at hotmail dot com

  13. Larena Wirum says:

    don’t enter me for this one I have it. I just wanted to say this is an amazing book. 🙂

  14. desiree says:

    Thrill of danger and sexy as hell something about the bite
    deslauree3 at aol dot com