Get Lost With Caridad Pineiro (And help a great cause w/ your comments!) Back to Blog

Update:  The winner of THE LOST is…Mariee. Congrats!!

Time for another author spotlight!! This time, I’m featuring New York Times best-selling author Caridad Pineiro.  I was addicted to Caridad’s books long before I had the pleasure of meeting this lovely lady.  She writes hot paranormals with plenty of twists and turns–how could I not love her books?  Thanks for joining us, Caridad!


Cynthia: Caridad, you’ve got a great new book on the shelves—I absolutely loved THE LOST. Can you tell us…what inspired this story?

Caridad: There are so many cultures that believe that we all possess life energies that we can learn to tap and on more than on occasion I’ve experienced the power of people gathered together with a common focus.  I thought, “What if there was an ancient race of people that had learned to harness those life forces?  What if that gave them all kinds of unusual powers?”  With those questions and a love of nature, history and science, I started developing the mythology for the Light and Shadow Hunters in THE LOST.

Cynthia: Can you describe your hero, Adam, in five words?

Caridad: Brave.  Honorable.  Lonely.  Loving.  Sexy.

Cynthia: What was the hardest part about writing this story?

Caridad: The hardest part was developing the differences between the Light and Shadow Hunters and weaving their civil war into the romance between Adam and Bobbie.  I knew it was important to establish the mythology, but little by little so that people learned about the Hunters and how those powers affected Adam.  From there, it was a little easier to develop the scenes to highlight all the different powers that the Hunters have, like shape-shifting, shooting orbs of power, lightning-fast travel and controlling the forces of nature.

Cynthia: Do you have a favorite scene from THE LOST? Will you share it with us?

Caridad: My favorite scene is toward the end of the book after Bobbie and Adam have had a major fight.  Bobbie has asked Adam to meet her, but Adam is reluctant because he is not sure that he can trust Bobbie.  The scene happens on the Auditorium Grounds in Ocean Grove, New Jersey and very much speaks to the power that humans possess as well as having faith in each other.  I found it really moving and also, very revealing as to the kind of person Bobbie was.

Cynthia: And, finally…what is next for you and your Sin Hunters?

Caridad: Up in May 2012 is THE CLAIMED, the next book in the series.  I won’t spoil who is the hero, although you will get a hint of it at the very end of THE LOST.  In THE CLAIMED, the civil war between the Light and Shadow Hunters comes to the forefront, but there is also a war going on between different factions within the Shadow Hunters.  The story is action-packed, but also sexy in a Romeo and Juliet kind of way.


Want to win THE LOST? I’ve got a copy for a lucky commenter. I can send you a mass market copy from Amazon or deliver you a digital Kindle copy instantly. Winner’s choice.   To win, tell us five words that you think describe an ideal hero.

But wait…there’s more…

Because Caridad is so wonderfully awesome, she will donate $1 for every comment (up to 50 comments) to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Thank you, Caridad!!

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69 responses to “Get Lost With Caridad Pineiro (And help a great cause w/ your comments!)”

  1. CrystalGB says:

    The words I would use to describe my ideal hero are tall, intelligent, kind, funny and sexy.

  2. Rachel says:

    I liked Caridad because I love the blogs. Then I read The Lost & I am totally hooked. Everyone should read this book. –Rachel

  3. Lisa B says:

    tall dark handsome courageous and honest. Off the top of my head lol

    Thank you Caridad for your donation. My mom is a 9 yr breast cancer survivor!!!

    Lisa B

  4. Khelsey says:

    Funny, Brave, Sexy, Honest, in charge

  5. Carlyn McKechnie says:

    Protective, brave, gorgeous and kind with a lot of alpha male personality thrown in for good measure! Thanks for a great giveaway and she is so generous with her donation!

  6. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    No need to enter me into this contest too since I own The Lost signed. Plus, I wanted to give support since Caridad is being so sweet and generous with her donation!

    Courageous, Sympathetic, Loyal, Dedicated, Open

  7. Colleen says:

    five words… Courageous, handsome, dependable, smart, & funny… Thanks for the chance to win and for being wonderful and donating to a wonderful cause! 😀

  8. melanie Adkins says:

    Confident, strong, caring, compassionate, loving.

    macladie25 at yahoo dot com

  9. BAD-BOYbut a heart of pure gold

    pretty smile and eyes
    shy (keanu reeves type) hunky buy bashful/humble

  10. dang, i havent even read LOST , not sure how i missed caridad book!

  11. Thank you all for dropping by and helping to support such a wonderful cause!

  12. Cynthia Eden says:

    Caridad, you are such a generous lady!!! Thank you! And thank you for writing such great books!

  13. Ashley says:

    Wow I can not wait to read this book. It sound like one i would read about 5 time or more and then share with friends 🙂

  14. Jahaira Trinidad-Deleve says:

    My ideal hero would have to be dark good looks and a brooding, mysterious air with a great sense of humor.

  15. Pamk says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and the donation is really spectacular. I would have to say my ideal mate would be
    sexy, smart, funny, generous, and little bit geeky.

    would love to win the Kindle version and I’d give my paperback away on my blog and share the wealth lol.

  16. Stephanie says:

    Funny, Strong, Compassionate, Imaginative and Loyal. I love the cover to this! Very eye-catching.

    DragonStar1974 )AT(

  17. Sharon Chambers says:

    Strong, sexy, humorous, smart and passionate. Please pick me, I never win!!!!

  18. Julie Newberry says:

    Hi ,my ideal hero would be muscular, tall, gorgeous, in other words totally hot and really loving and protective, that would be the perfect hero for me, just like my hubby x x

  19. Vanessa N. says:

    I think 5 words that describe a hero would be: Courageous, sexy, strong, compasioate, and smart.

  20. Yadira A. says:

    My ideal hero is…
    Loyal, Brave, Passionate, Intelligent, and Humorous.

    Thanks for the giveaway & donation to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation!

  21. Minna says:

    Smart, loyal, brave.

  22. This sounds wonderful! My hero might be reluctant, hey, built, of course, intelligent, humorous, and confident (Definitely want print) what a beautiful cover.

  23. Michelle Bledsoe says:

    I already have a copy, but here are my 5 words- strong,compassionate,snarky,alluring,and tall.

  24. Viki says:

    Loyal, intelligent, strong, funny, and handsome. I could add even more ;).

  25. Michelle McMichael says:

    That’s a very sweet & generous thing to do!

    My ideal man would be – Handsome, Funny, Loyal, Protective & Attentive. Luckily for me I married mine 🙂

  26. Many thanks to Cynthia for holding this awesome event!

  27. Marianne says:

    Ideal hero = strong,snarky,smart,sexy,devoted

  28. Jeanette Juan says:

    Strong, alpha, courageous, loving, funny.

  29. Terry Scarangella says:

    I think a perfect hero, is caring, good looking doesn’t have to be gorgous. I think the inside is more important than the out. Also ruggard and have a great sense of humor. One who likes to cuddle and snuggle and not feel wimpy doing it

  30. Na says:

    A wonderful way to make a comment truly count!
    My ideal hero: loving, loyal, protective, intelligent, courageous.

  31. Hilleary Peterson says:

    Strong, imperfect, loving, intelligent, and brave

  32. May says:

    Intelligent, Honest, Loving, Strong, Sexy

  33. Marjana says:

    Sexy, kind, loyal, strong, and intelligent

  34. Leagh says:

    Hey guys! I already have this book and have read it and very much enjoyed it but I wanted to stop by and say congrats on the release.

    Caridad you are amazing for the wonderful donation you are making. ::SMOOCHES::

  35. Jane says:

    Smart, trustworthy, kind, humorous and giving.

  36. Tiffaney says:

    I am loving all these contests and I love what a generous spirit Caridad has!

  37. Thank you all once again for coming by. I guess I feel like I have to live up to my name in some ways. Caridad means Charity in English and I truly believe in paying it forward.

  38. jennifer mathis says:

    handsome, funny, brave, smart , loyal

  39. Barb P says:

    Hey Caridad! I still have not been able to pick up your latest, so I would love to win a copy ** Grin **. I also have to say, how much I admire you for being so generous. I have a friend who was just diagnosed with breast cancer, so thank you so much for your awesome donation. Five words to describe a hero hmmm, well, intelligent, strong, compassionate, flexible, honorable and maybe we can throw tall dark & handsome in there ** LOL **. Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. Valerie Long says:

    Great interview!
    Five words I think describe an ideal hero…courageous, mysterious, handsome, loving, witty.
    Thanks for this great giveaway opportunity! If I were to win I’d love the mass market copy of the book, nothing to me beats being able to turn the pages myself and mark where I left off reading. Also, thank you Caridad for donating to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation! Such a great cause. =)

  41. JeanP says:

    Smart, funny, courageous, handsome and compassionate. Amazing donation you are making Caridad.

  42. Alaina says:

    5 words:
    Funny, Interesting, Different, Loving and HOT..
    i would love to win the mass market copy! thanks so much!

  43. Betty Lewis says:

    Since Caridad is doing what she is, I had to change what my 5 words would have been. Now they are..

    Caridad Pinero best selling author

    She’s a hero to breast cancer research!

  44. JoAnna B says:

    Thanks Caridad for contributing to a good cause!
    Five words to describe my hero… Supportive. Loyal, honest, courageous and loving

  45. Maureen says:

    My words would be:
    humor, compassion, charm, faithful, strong

  46. Ashley A says:

    Well since I was lucky enough to win an ARC of this book, count me out for the giveaway, but I wanted to comment still 🙂 My ideal hero is brave, smart, kind, gentle and has a great sense of humor (there is more but I wanted to keep it down to 5 lol)
    Ashley A

  47. Robin K says:

    Humor, Loyalty, Honor, Understanding and Snark

  48. Patty C says:

    My hero: strong, brave, sexy, honorable and funny!

  49. pam p says:

    My hero has to be smart, witty, protective, sexy and dangerous.

  50. Barbara Elness says:

    My hero would be smart, loyal, funny, strong and caring.