Newsletter Winners Back to Blog

A big THANK YOU to all of the folks who entered my newsletter contest! (What? You didn’t know I was running a newsletter contest in addition to my SIN A LITTLE contest? Ah, then you should sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss out next time.)

The three winners are…Tiffany James, Kristi White, and Mary Lynch. Congratulations, ladies! I’ll be shooting you an email in just a few minutes so that you can claim your prize.

Again, thank you to everyone who entered this contest. And if you didn’t win, no worries–there are still plenty of chances to win in my SIN A LITTLE contest.

And, on a personal note…Happy birthday, Mom. Love you.

Now, I’m off to go vote!

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4 responses to “Newsletter Winners”

  1. Edie says:

    Congratulations, Tiffany, Krist and Mary! I’m off to vote soon, too!

  2. Brandy says:

    Congratulations Ladies!

  3. Greta says:

    Congrats – Ladies enjoy!

  4. Caffey says:

    Yeah to the winners!!!! Hope the line was long for you, smile!
    A huge birthday to your mom Cynthia!!