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I had a wonderful time at the recent AUTHORS AFTER DARK event in New Orleans. I want to thank Stella Price and all of her fabulous staff members for organizing such a fun event. I know a ton of work goes into creating a con like AAD, and I am very grateful for all that Stella and her staff accomplished. Thank you!!!
While at AAD, I met so many wonderful people–readers, bloggers, writers. Strangers on the street. 😉 Everyone was nice and excited and just happy to be talking about books. The atmosphere seemed so incredibly charged with great energy–loved it!
I was also thrilled to receive a Bookie Award for Werewolf Novel of The Year (NEVER CRY WOLF) during the conference. Thank you so much to everyone who voted for NEVER CRY WOLF! I was honored to be nominated in that category and–seriously–beyond thrilled when I heard my name called. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
And to share some AAD love, I am going to come back in a little while and post a giveaway here on the blog. I’ll be giving away all the great AAD swag that I picked up at the con (and some awesome books). So, please check back soon in you want to enter the giveaway.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday!!!
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Congratulations on the award!!! So glad to hear you had a great time. One of these years I might just make it 🙂
Congratulations on the award!!! Yay!!!!
Congrats on the award, Cynthia!! Glad you had such a good time there!
Congrats on your shiny new Bookie Award!!!!